Saturday, October 27, 2012

Less Than

I just had a reader comment: "You don't know how hard it is to be an atheist".

I have a couple of thoughts on that.  One, they are absolutely right.  I don't know what it's like to be an atheist because I have always had my faith.  I see it as my liferaft/bullet proof vest.  I would sooner die than lose it.

Two, this is not an atheist blog.  If you want an atheist blog, go to and type in "atheist blog".  I am sure you will find hundreds.

Third, don't lecture me on "my morals" because it's my blog.  My morals are a huge part of my blog.  You don't have to like me, but I will demand respect.

If you don't like my morals, go find an amoral blog!  Although I wouldn't try that one in Google.

I post hater messages so the rest of my readers can get a taste of my in-box, so to speak.  I'm not asking for your approval of my life.  I can think of maybe 3 readers, offhand, who do approve of my choices!

I imagine, if I put up a poll, most would be unhappy with my choices.  That's fine.   I don't like some of my choices, but I feel I have to do God's will - to submit to His will for my life, to please Him, because He sees a far bigger picture than I do.  I don't want to take a narrow view of "my life" and screw myself in the long run.

I also believe whatever pain and suffering I have in this life will be an eye blink when it comes to eternity.  Oh, wow, 80 years < eternity.  Way, way, less than eternity.

Lastly, I only have one vote.  If you vote for your guy and I vote for my guy, magic underwear and all - guess what - all we did was cancel out each other's vote.  I really doubt I have influenced anyone's politics.

I'm sure I've irked people, but did you really expect me to vote for the incumbent?  Really?  I find it really telling; the last 2 incumbent supporters have resorted to threats to try to get me to vote for their guy.  They can't sell me on his record [hysterical laughter], so all they can do is threaten.  Funny, that sounds like extortion and blackmail to me.  If you think I'll vote based on that kind of motivation, you have not read my blog.

The second part of the comment was "how hard it is to come out as an atheist"  - why, because I hate on you, oh anonymous commenter?  I don't.  I pity you.  I feel like you're walking around in a horrible plane of existence, a battlefield, without your armor.  I pray for you to experience God in a real and meaningful way, but I certainly don't hate you.

You don't know what you're missing.  You know how you feel when you see a developmentally delayed person in a wheelchair?    It feels a lot like that.


Paula's Pannus said...

I think you and Rawn should to a video blog

Yup me I should have commented here said...

I care for folks in wheelchairs and am sorry for your pity, it is kind of sad you feel that way Heather

Wish I had posted my other comment here

Please know I wish you, your husband and your business prosperity and wellness

I won't trouble you again
I typed bi po in the search and you cam up after several other reads, your tirade caught me off guard

I empathize understand and have pity for you as well

Heather Knits said...

You're projecting your anger, onto me.

I said I pity you. I wish you had a strong faith in God, rather than a strong faith in nothing.

I am entitled to share my opinions on my blog, including my political views. You are entitled to criticize me and use all the exclamation points you did, make threats about services I need, etc.

I was just pointing out I didn't like it, it isn't pretty, and the only reason I chose to publish was to let it reflect accurately on the "atheist" viewpoint towards others.

What was it you said? "MY business is fine"?

I thought that explained everything perfectly.

Jillian said...

To me, there's a big difference between "atheist" and "anti-theist".

Atheists are simply people that just don't believe for whatever reason. That happens, Maybe they've been hurt by religion, maybe they just never did believe or have the gift of faith. I've known many Atheists who just go about their business and are good, moral people who respect others' beliefs and their rlght to believe- it just isn't for them.

Ant-Theists tend to be those that are angry about religion and want to actively and often angrily engage those that do have belief. They will usually become aggressive and insulting, They don't just not have a belief system- they are against all belief systems in a public way and get really obnoxious against those that do.

I would say it's far easier for people to be atheist or agnostic in our society. We live in a secular society. I know that, for me, people make all kinds of assumptions about me based on my beliefs. It's way easier for those that don't go to church, follow a belief system or believe in anything.

This person sounds like a troll who's trying to get your goat- don't feed them!

Heather Knits said...

I agree 100% Jillian, and I hope you don't mind if I steal the "anti-theist".

Sadly, I think this person is for real, living for today, this life is all that matters... and acting accordingly.

I think those of us with our eyes on eternity try to serve God, and others, as much as possible, instead of our own needs. As you've seen, sometimes that means making difficult, short-term choices that entail some pain in the short term; because we know God has a greater purpose behind our pain.