Friday, October 12, 2012

God has my back

I was doing pretty good today, but I think the FAS got me again.

If you don't know, I have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  We tend to be very outgoing and pretty clueless about social rules.  I see everyone as friends, I don't see gender.

Which can be a problem, I guess, when SOME guys see an attentive, friendly woman and think she is INTERESTED.  No, I love my husband.  I respect myself, and value the promises I made before God. If NOTHING else, I want to please God, and "even" emotional adultery is a sin.

So, now I am stuck with untangling myself, setting new boundaries, remembering I have to have some distance with certain people, and do this all in a way that does not offend.  Pray for me, would you?  [grin]  I am asking God for guidance.  When I realized I had a "problem" again, I asked God for help and He provided the distractions and opportunities I needed to avoid "alone time".

I don't blame the guy.  I blame me more than anything.  I'm just friendly to everyone and I don't think about what that might mean.

Either that, or I work with a bunch of perverts.  This happened with another guy a while back.  [facepalm]  "You make the call".

I'm not a whore!  I wear very modest clothes!  I talk to the guys in front of my husband, without changing the tone or context, and one thing Ron has NEVER done - accuse me of being a tramp.

So, that, and some old baggage from the past had me pretty anxious and depressed.  However, I will proceed with the two posts I had planned earlier.

Oh, interesting.  I got the flood data information.  I have a 10% risk of flooding, during the life of the mortgage.  Pretty low odds, I'd say.

I have a 2% risk of developing ovarian cancer.  I have a dermoid cyst on my left ovary.  Do I freak about it?  Never.

Don't stress.  Go to Bible Gateway and type in "worry" and wow.  The Bible is really clear: Don't worry, God has your back.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

I would suggest the "Billy Graham rule"; he was never alone with any woman other then his wife, to avoid scandal.
It would likely make things easier for you. Some guys also "don't get it"; they think any woman, married or not, that is friendly to them is flirting, even if she's clearly not interested. I would stick to only talking to men if necessary when Ron's around to make things easier and safer. I personally don't think it's appropriate for married women to have "guy friends" unless they are someone that they have known from childhood and it is purely platonic. Even then, it is still wrong, in my eyes, to meet them alone without your husband. Leave it for work purposes only.