Monday, October 22, 2012

Video Blog


Anonymous said...

WHy won't Rawn address why he is so mean to you when he is drunk? Will he issue a public apology? And he's BLIND, how does he know "heather doesnt have a perfect body" if he can't see? He shouldn't care about looks if you are his wife. Don't forget, he is the one who you've caught on the nasty sex phone chats. That is considered adultery according to God.

Continuing to pray that you find the strength to stand up to the blind man.

Jillian said...

Loved when you said that generational curses are a big bucket of cat poop! I read a book about that once and it was hogwash.
The very idea that the Jewish people were in ANY way responsible for what happened to them during the Holocaust makes me want to vomit. I can't believe someone would write that anti-Semitic garbage.

Jillian said...


1) It's "Ron", not "Rawn".

2) I think this was Ron's way of making a public apology, at least, that's how I saw it. He also doesn't owe it to the public to make an apology- he's not a public official. He owes it to Heather- they're in a private marriage. He doesn't owe it to us, as he doesn't "owe" us anything. But he did this anyway. I actually think it was pretty brave of him to put himself out there like that.

3) LOL. I think everyone knows that no one has a perfect body. What is "perfect"- it's in the eye of the beholder. Different cultures, for example, have different standards of what is considered attractive. It also changes all the time. One minute, long hair is "in", the next it's short hair. Then it's tanned skin, then it's pale. What's attractive to me, won't be to you, and on it goes. In North America, we tend to see very skinny women as attractive. In Jamaica and Africa, on the other hand, very full figured women are considered beautiful traditionally. (Although, these cultures have been influenced by North America now in many cases.).

Your statements are also really discriminatory against the blind. Blind people "see" with their other senses. Ron also said that Heather is not perfect, but neither is he. Put it in context. I wouldn't expect my husband to say that I'm perfect, either- he'd be lying, because no one is perfect but God.

Heather knows that Ron was caught in adultery. She's said that. But again- private matter between a husband and wife. None of our business, unless they choose to make it so.

"Stand up to the blind man"?? Why do you keep bringing into this that Ron is blind? What difference would it make if he was blind, or sighted? That's just plain discriminory.

Sorry, Heather..I know you can rightly stand up for yourself, but I can't help but jump in sometimes as your friend! I can be protective that way.