Thursday, October 25, 2012

I need to get out of here.

I think it's sad.  Have you ever noticed, during a crisis, how often people turn on each other?

I always go back to "God never fails, humans do".  Example, my rodent issue.

Ron's been pretty ugly to both me, and the cat.  The cat is just an animal.  He is doing what animals do. He doesn't understand "blame" and "fault".  He just knows he did something great, he thinks, and now everyone is shouting at him.

Well, except me.  I'm a little frustrated, but I'm not angry.

Somehow, the big rat trap got triggered.  I told Ron it was upside down on the floor, nothing in it.  He kept asking me to "check" it.  I did, flipped it over with a stick, still nothing.  I told him, let's put it along the bedroom wall, by my bed.  The last time we had a rodent in here it left a few droppings over there, so obviously they like it.  I also hear they like to run along walls.

I sleep with a lot of blankets, and some of them had fallen to the floor.  I very carefully picked them up and shook them out, making sure I didn't have any visitors.  Nothing, but it took a couple minutes and Ron yelled at me.

Then he yelled at me again, as he came through the room, because "You're a hoarder" - how is that?  He had to move around some boards a friend of ours told us to buy, months ago, to repair the house.  He hasn't been able to get over to fix the house and it's bare wood.  The garage door doesn't open, so I'd have to take each, 8 foot long board, through the house and hope I don't smash them into walls.  I set them up, neatly stacked on top of some buckets, in the bedroom.  He had a wide, clear, path, but because he had to move an inch to the left I'm this horrible person with crap heaped up to the ceiling.  Not.

He sat on the edge of the bed and slowly crept over, encountering the blankets.  I got more yelling about the blankets.  Well, if you want a low gas bill I need a lot of blankets!  Kind of obvious!

I had to lift and drag all the blankets because he was too lazy to raise his butt a few inches to sit on the blankets.  After all that, he kept freaking out about me "watching out for the rat" as he put the trap on the floor.

Let me tell you, my evil self wanted to let out a blood curdling scream as he set it on the carpet.  Oh, I wanted to so badly.  But I didn't because that would disappoint Jesus.

Ugh.  He was incredibly demanding, shouting for me as I fixed my breakfast on the stove.  I finished fixing the food, and then told him I had to eat.  Oh, turn on your cell phone so I can call you.

I don't want to talk to you.  You're shouting at me, calling me names, and yelling at my cat.  Whatever you "need" can wait.  I told him, no, after I was eating I was doing my God Time.  He told me, turn on my phone then.

I told him No, because after that I am going to take a shower and heading out.  Ugh.  I don't care where I go but I need to get out of here for a while.

The rat is the least of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to leave him PERMANENTLY