Monday, October 15, 2012

Some comforting.

I woke up in the middle of the night, my head killing me.  I took some excedrin and went back to sleep = migraine.  The only way I could ever sleep after 200 mg of caffeine was if I had a migraine.  4 hours later, I woke up with a borderline migraine.  If I worked for anyone else, I thought bitterly, I'd probably call in sick.

I used to be really bad about that, working for others, especially when depressed.  Not anymore.  I got up and went to work.

Our first ride was a mess, so I called the delivery guy to delay it a bit.  He sounded so happy I think he was running late, anyway.  [grin]  It's an all around win for all of us.

Did it all at work.  I have to admit, I am feeling pretty bitter and resentful about some work issues.  Forcing us to pay for our own repairs, then yelling at me because I didn't have inventory.  They don't see the association.  I can't buy inventory if I spent all our money on repairs!

It's the kind of thing I have to throw at God, again and again.  There are very few opportunities for blind men in wheelchairs so we have to play the game.

I am not looking forward to the conference this weekend.  As Ron said, "I don't appreciate the element of force" - saying we had to go, or lose the business.  Happily we did get a ride with the other vendor.

I did a Google map search and found a McDonalds nearby, so we won't starve or go broke.  I intend to spend as little as possible.

We are bringing the wheelchair, or course.  I don't want Ron to suffer at all.  The hotel room does not have a microwave, but they do offer room service.  I guess the two are mutually exclusive.

The cheap chain motel we frequent in Galveston has a fridge and a microwave.  I wish we were staying there, instead.

Happily, I did get my full pay and we get tomorrow off.  The cats are doing well.  Bubba is trying to avoid home as much as possible these days.  I feel pretty bad about that - but I'm not the one who brought the kitten.

I changed the boxes tonight - whoo.  I'm glad I have 4, she has options if she doesn't like one.  From what I can tell she seems to be peeing outside more, and the rest goes in the box.

She has excellent box manners, though.  I had some very bad cats in the past, but she'd a treat.  She hasn't been super cuddly with me lately, but I do tend to pick her up, which she doesn't like.  Ron says she isn't sleeping on him as much, but she's still giving cuddles.

That's good.  We could both use a little comforting these days.  I'm still stuck in the depression.  Agh.

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