Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pray for me not to make an ass out of myself

Wow.  Y'all REALLY like the Ron & Heather video blogs!

No comments, but a LOT of hits.

Well, if you pray, this weekend might be a good time.  I have to attend a compulsory vending business conference.  Well, Ron and I have to attend.

We are definitely at the low end of income on the spectrum, too.  Many of these vendors have significant income.

I'm listening to "Envy" - reminding myself "Don't go there".  It's a good song if you like rap, which is maybe 1% of my readership.

I packed my usual stuff, and a few things I'd like if I got stuck in the middle of nowhere by the side of the road, again.  God forbid that happens, I won't have my brother this time.

So, today, I pack, stock the machines, and mail sales tax.  Clean up, including the litter, make sure the cats have plenty of food, etc.

Please pray Ron and I don't make asses of ourselves, at the conference.

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