Monday, December 31, 2018

"You have a serious cognitive problem, then"

Last night Ron kept requesting help.  He got "lost" in his bed and couldn't find his wheelchair, which was about an inch and a half off his left knee. 

Once he got in the wheelchair he went to the bathroom, then he got "lost" going back to his room (15 feet away) and ended up at the furthest point away in the house, by the front door.  He was screaming for me to come and save him. 

I lost my temper.  I told him he had to cut back on the drinking.  "I'm not drunk!"

"You have a serious cognitive problem, then".  He was very quiet after that. 


Anonymous said...

LOL that is funny. You told him, good for you.

Anonymous said...

I think Ron may be getting to be to much care for both of you. Need to talk to your aunt and try to think this through with someone else for objectivity. You can't take care of yourself and him too. I wish it was better for you, but Ron is not capable of making have to do that for everything you both need. Just a matter of to prepare while you don't have to go into emergency mode to survive.