Thursday, December 20, 2018

Santa's sack (of vodka)

It's been gusty all day, we had a power spike that messed up some of my electronics.  My computer is a little sluggish right now. 

I did not sleep well last night, Ron was quiet enough, but my tooth was bothering me.  We need to renew our membership in the discount plan and then go see our primary.  He is very good, and very gentle, not horribly expensive with the discount plan, AND close to the house. 

I gave up on sleeping around 8:30 and got up, I ate something and took my pills.  Then I took a shower.  I used my rosemary-mint shampoo as it is extra cleansing and I hadn't washed my hair yesterday.  As I mature, it seems I don't need to wash it every day.  I would be curious to hear about your experience. 

So I finished up and got dressed.  Ron told me he had called the computer guy.  Now, Ron has been in and out of his office for over a week now.  The latest thing he wanted his old hard drive placed into a new case.  He was blowing up the guy's phone, begging and pleading, and then, yesterday, when the guy called him back he was so drunk he didn't even pick up the phone.  Rude, I felt. 

Now Ron said he was ready to go.  So we called a cab and waited for it to arrive, went out when it arrived and got Ron loaded, then the wheelchair, then me.  We went to the computer place.  On the way, Ron gave the cab driver extra money to go by the liquor store and go buy him some vodka.  So, while we were dealing with the computer guy, the driver is buying 4 bottles of McCormick Vodka.  It is the only thing Ron drinks now. 

We went in, the guy asked Ron what happened yesterday, Ron didn't have an answer.  Then he brought out the computer.  I won't bore you with all the details.  It worked, it talked, it opened spreadsheets and Ron's music. 

The tech/owner did not accept all the money Ron tried to give him, but charged what I felt was a modest fee.  Ron finally accepted it.  I tried to remind him before we went: if he won't take it all don't argue, we both need dental work.

We called the cab driver, who came.  Santa's sack - a paper bag full of 2 liter bottled vodkas, sat in the front passenger seat.  We got home.  The driver put the vodka in the garage and then Ron's computer.  Then we got Ron in the wheelchair. 

Ron looks rough these days, getting in and out of a vehicle.  We need to buy one and have him practice getting in and out several times a day.  I would if the homeowner's would let us have a non operable car in the driveway/property. 

So I got Ron in the house.  He found Santa's sack and snatched a bottle as I pushed him into the house. 

I was tired.  I wanted a nap (the wind was pretty bad by this point).  I got undressed, climbed into bed, and found Torbie in my dresser drawer, almost completely hidden from view.  We had been looking for her all morning.  She seemed annoyed I had found her.  I turned on my white noise machine (over 10 years old) and she got into bed with me.  She wanted lots of petting and head scratches.  Biscuit lay in my bed like a dead cat, back legs sticking up in the air.  We had a big gust of wind after about 20 minutes, and I heard a pop, the heater died, and then it came back.  But my noise machine wasn't working.  I fought with it for a while but I couldn't get it to turn on.  I finally figured out it was the a/c adapter got fried. 

I lay there, trying to sleep.  Ron had been drinking so I didn't want to ask him to give me back my backup white noise machine.  He can be touchy when he drinks and I hate even writing this, but I just lay there hoping I would sleep anyway. 

But when the yard guys came at 2:30 I said forget it, got up and got dressed.  We went out and paid him.  He doesn't like the tree in the back yard (yard guy).  Tree better look out.  The tree in the front yard underwent a DRASTIC trim some years ago and is now subdued and whimpering whenever it sees him!  The tree out back does need some thinning. 

So they left and we went back in the house.  Ron was finally willing to look at the computer.  So I helped set it up for him.  He shouted at me over something and I left. 

The computer is talking and playing music so I assume he is "fine".  He told me to take some (of his) money and buy pizza for dinner tonight so I guess that's what I'll do.  Last night I had spaghettios.  They are good, but not every night. 

The cats came out from under the bed so they are fine.  They don't like the power tools. 

Ron set up the trips for tomorrow.  Like I told him, I did everything yesterday so not much to do tomorrow.  We can do an inventory, though, and give Mike his cat treats. 

That's it for now.  I will post again if anything notable happens. 

Oh, and the rosewater facial cleansing things are working out pretty well for me.  I don't have grease on my nose and my skin is nowhere as dry as it was.  It's a little itchy now and then but I assume that is just adjusting to the ingredients.  I'm not rashy or anything.  Overall, a good purchase. 

I am just not used to using products that don't strip my skin. 


Spankadoo said...

Oh Heather who knows what to say about Ron anymore all I can say is after all this time you are such a strong resilient woman
Much love and hope you have something special just for you for Christmas! You should post your Amazon wish list I would get you something for sure after all these years of following you I would love to get you a nice hoodie or something useful OOOXXX

Heather Knits said...

The only real "fun" thing I had on my list was some fancy soap. I ordered some for myself from Swanson Vitamins (really good soap from those guys and they don't kill you on shipping), and I know one of my Amazon selections was gifted me because I only had the 2 sorts of soap on the Amazon list.

BUT, if I ever do populate my list with fun stuff I might put up a link.

Based on my dental pain, it looks like Santa is bringing me a new filling this year. At least that is better than the one year we had to spend almost a thousand on plumbing, literally right before Christmas. That wasn't a fun year.

Spankadoo said...

Awww I hate it when something goes wrong with teeth ...Heather please invest all you can to keep your teeth healthy 1 you love to eat and why mess that up ! 2 people do not always know this but good oral hygiene is a form of prevention of many internal diseases. They are the portal to your organs treet them well even heart disease is possible! I love my dentist and always go. Have you tried brushing your teeth with activated charcal ? I do it once in a while with a very soft tooth brush to brighten them up with out doing damage to the enamel
I have heard of it for all kinds of things but I love what it does for teeth OOOOXXXX