Sunday, December 23, 2018

There's a hairy brown thing in my sink!

Posting this for now, copied from a message board:
Some people just become emotionally unhinged and violently aggressive over the absolute slightest inconvenience because they've learned that if they intimidate people over the small things, no one will even think about ever displeasing them on anything that actually matters. These people are usually the entitled, 'respectable' members of society
Sound familiar? 

Done with that. 

I slept well last night, and got up around 9 AM.  I got on the computer for a while and took a shower.  I talked to Ron ("we" were fine today) and thought about going to the pet store to buy some cat food. 

I have plenty of cat food, but they seem a little tired of the dry food.  I was thinking maybe get another flavor, like Duck.   Ron says chicken. 

Then I thought about riding there on the bus (Ron did not offer to pay for a cab), crossing a very busy street, lots of walking isn't a problem but is tiring, I decided not to do it. 

The final point for me was the fact that tomorrow WILL be very loud next door, probably all day, absolutely half the night minimum.  As a rule, they "like" to to go 3 AM on Christmas morning, ruining it for the "We like to get up early on Christmas" people like myself. 

Even more frustrating, my body is wired to get up no later than 9 AM so odds are good I will not be able to sleep past 9 anyway.  I will just have to be sleep deprived on what should be one of the happiest days. 

I did open my present to myself, I made an order with Swanson, and got some fancy soap.  I also ordered some Wild Yam Root.  I told you about that, it is used for food in some countries so is totally safe. 

I took a dose last night, and a dose this morning.  The first thing I noticed was that I was not as thirsty as I am, normally.  That has been very nice for me.  We will see what it does with my ongoing issue. 

I ate and took my pills (took everything as directed, today), and decided to take a nap while it was quiet. 

I laid down in bed with Torbie, who is very cuddly and demands a lot of petting, then she goes into her "house" on my bed.  And they started up next door, kids screaming, etc.  I understand they are excited about the holiday but it's like the parents have given up controlling the kids.  I bitterly wished they would at least scream and run around in the playroom their father built for them (half the size of my house, off the back of his house, in the backyard), rather than right outside my bedroom wall. 

I did manage to sleep a little and woke up with a headache.  I decided to get up (#2 was playing loud, horrible, music) and take something for my head.  I did that. 

I talked to Ron some more and decided to clean the litter boxes.  I had to get dressed, first, that took a while to get up the energy and motivation.  I decided to do the worst box in the living room, dump that out, and then scoop the other box.  If I had the energy (I am battling a depression) I would do the other two boxes but at least some of them would be fresh. 

I do feel the worst about the litter box standard, and the cats are very good about using what they are given. 

I got a large garbage bag and loaded it with some trash.  Then I grimly approached the litter box.  I don't dump the whole box very often so I couldn't figure out an angle of attack.  Well, the angle I took didn't work out very well for me, I dumped used litter all over my shirt. 

Well, crap.  Well, more "pissy used litter".  But - ugh!  I didn't get much on the floor, it hit my shirt, bounced, and went in the bag.  I got that dumped out, got the stubborn clumps that wouldn't release, and put the empty box in the bathtub.  I poured about half a cup of bleach in there and filled it partway with warm water.  Enough to cover the "litter line". 

About this time, Baby Girl decided to sleep in one of her favorite spots, the bathroom sink.  Every time I passed the sink I would start, seeing this huge, hairy, brown thing in the sink!  I'm not accustomed to that! 

Prior to that she spent all day curled up with Ron, it was adorable and I'd have gotten photos, but he was in his underwear. 

So I had the one box soaking.  I went after the other box with my long-handled metal scoop.  I got it clear but the level was low, so I added another bag of litter.  Then I took out all the trash, silently begging the heavy-duty garbage bag "Don't rip".  It held and I got it in the can.  I put the recycles in their can. 

My homeowner's association sent me a letter saying they don't want to see garbage cans in the driveway.  Every household has garbage cans, I don't see the problem, but this is the second letter.  Annoying. 

I'm going to try to go to bed early tonight and stock up on my sleep.  I hope I am wrong about tomorrow night and they go somewhere else for a party.  That would be great.  That has happened a few times in the past, maybe this year? 

A girl can dream. 

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