Monday, December 3, 2018

It must be "cat"

Well, we are definitely in full Christmas mode. 

Last night, as I said, I bought 4 things online.  A gift each for my Dad, adoptive Mom, Aunt, and cat.  All those packages will be shipped this week. 

Well, my card was charged for all 4 but no "we shipped" email.  But, sometimes, I don't get that shipped email until after the item arrives. 

I went to bed and had trouble sleeping.  Allergies have been really bad.  But, according the environmental health for Houston (a useful application of my tax dollars), pollen and mold are low.  So it must be "cat".  Ron woke me up coughing, drank some water, and was OK.  He was pretty freaked out by it.   Told me he loved me after it calmed down. 

We finally got some sleep and woke up early, took my shower, etc.  Got dressed and got Ron dressed in a matching dark green t-shirt and sweatshirt, with his slacks. 

We went to work.  The vending machines were cleaned out.  We frantically stocked for hours and still didn't get it all done.  We will have to go in tomorrow (but we planned that anyway). 

Ron was in pretty good spirits and I helped him as much as I could, while still doing my work.  Sodas at least are perfect, snacks still need some work (but will be handled tomorrow).  We'll get it. 

Lots of business while we were there, and, judging by the empty machines when we arrived, plenty of business before!  Good to see, we have bills to pay. 

So we finished that up and came home.  I was pretty tired but I ate something I forget and took my pills.  Oh, oops.  I took my MORNING pills (antidepressant) and a generic Claratin for my allergies.  Then I took a nap.  I had a little trouble dropping off, #6's "crew" (it has been almost a month now) was using a compressor right outside my bedroom wall.  But I fell asleep anyway and had a pretty good nap. 

Torbie and Biscuit joined me.  Now, Torbie is very polite with bed-sharing.  She stays off to the side.  Biscuit, however, hogs the entire middle of the bed, forcing me to contort myself around him.  But I got it, and some decent sleep. 

I only got about 6 hours last night.  I "slept in" and got up at 3.  I had a pretty bad headache so I took something for it and got on the computer.  Things are pretty quiet. 

About the only notable fact is the government closing down on Wednesday, which means part of the plant operations will be closing.  Which means we can definitely take Wednesday off.  That's good, I need to make a Walmart run. 

Off I go to eat again and take my evening pills. 

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