Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Help me unwrap my gift.

I would open it with Ron, but Ron gets positively bitter opening Christmas presents.  He didn't used to, I think it goes to his family. 

Anyway, I have an Amazon box from my adoptive Mom.  I already opened my gift from my aunt, some caregiver books and a bonus. 

I sent Mom a wishlist so we will see what I got:

Ron was actually in a mood to open presents with me. 

I got a cashmere scarf in a turquoise plaid (will match my teal coat) from my adoptive Mom, hereafter known as "Mom". 

I also got some lavender soap I had requested from Mom. 

The cats got a play and squeak bird, and some treats. 

Ron got some sweet and salty cashews in individual serving bags. 

That was it.  That was plenty.  I had bought myself some fancy soap in addition to what I got so I have plenty of really nice choices now.  I will have to figure out a way to store them.  I have very little storage in the bathroom, just one of those "over the tank" shelves above the toilet. 

But that's a fun problem. 

Off I go to take a shower (using up my old soap before I get into the new).  Sent a few text messages back and forth with Mom, she says they like their presents. 

I got her some fancy soap, and Dad a 1000 piece puzzle of Yosemite.  He loves puzzles and he really enjoyed Yosemite the time he went hiking there.  He looked very happy in his photo. 

The scarf, by the way, fits nicely into one pocket of my coat.  So I won't have to worry about getting them separated, or losing it. 


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Love the gifts you received. Especially the cashmere scarf it sounds heavenly! Merry Christmas.

Heather Knits said...

She didn't just want to get me soap, that day I realized I could use a scarf, so happy timing. I am a little awkward when people try to spoil me, but I'm working on it.