Saturday, December 8, 2018


I slept OK.  I had Torbie and Biscuit in my bed.  We had a good amount of rain but no flooding around me.  I slept as late as I could, got up, got ready, put on my new t-shirt.  It was a little snug at the waist.  I think it was more an XL than a 2X. 

We had a big van come for us.  When the big van arrives, it lowers a lift out the side of the van, Ron rolls his wheelchair on, they raise it to the level of the floor.  Kind of like they did on the train.  Then Ron rolls over to his seat and gets into a regular seat. 

If he doesn't do that, he "has" to ride in the wheelchair and they take some more time "strapping" him down.  Uneventful ride to the warehouse. 

We arrived, I told her the door.  I got off and waited for Ron because he never wants help.  I heard a thump and a female scream.  It took a minute to register that Ron had probably fallen.  I went back up the stairs to see Ron getting into his wheelchair, properly, this time. 

He was not drunk, he knew we had to go out in public and work today.  I don't think that was it.  If anything, I'll point a finger at those pain pills.  The driver said she would have to call it in.  Ron was very embarrassed and begged her to refrain.  But, due to liability, I am sure she had to do so.  Let them know that he fell and then he refused treatment. 

We got Ron off the van and into the building.  I did my shopping.  I needed a lot and had the cart piled high.  I thought a couple of things, one being "Will it all fit in the F-150 truck bed?" and "Will Jack forgive us?  Maybe we should give him some extra."

I checked out, went over to Ron.  He began whining he was hungry (TONS of food at the house!) so I gave him a Butterfinger out of the inventory.  He ate that. 

Jack came. 

At the warehouse, Ron and I had an argument.  I had told him I was leaving - implied, I have a helper to assist.  I never ask Ron to call and get me a helper, never.  Ron said something as I was leaving but I was pushing a VERY heavy cart and I couldn't stop and turn around.  Besides, I was only taking it out to Jack and I would be back in a minute. 

The helper met me in the doorway.  Hopefully I have a reputation for being a nice person to assist.  I went back to Ron and he was furious, said he had already called about a helper and they said I had one.  First of all, I didn't ask him to do it.  Second, I never ask him to do it.  Third, I told him I was leaving, I wouldn't go without a helper.  He was cursing at me and very angry. 

He shouted at me that I had to "verify" everything I told him.  "I'm going to the bathroom.  Did you hear me?"  I have done this in the past, only to get shouted at AGAIN by Ron telling me I am "bothering" him "talking too much" and "putting water in his computer".  So, I told him, either way he ended up pissed at me.  I told him there was NO pleasing him and he would shout at me no matter what I did.   He got even angrier. 

I left him to watch the feat of Jack and the helper managing to stuff our considerable mountain of goods, into the truck bed.  It has a lid so it can't be too tall, either. 

It was freezing cold (40's), windy, and raining.  Jack managed to get everything wedged into the truck bed (I have been told it is akin to playing the game Tetris), got Ron in the truck, stuffed the wheelchair in the back seat. 

It was drizzling and flat out miserable, Jack stayed in the truck while I got my carts.  We got everything loaded (that was one high stack of canned Cokes!) and into the building.  He left.  We got to stocking. 

I helped Ron first with what he needed and then he went off to "run change" leaving me alone.  Finally!  Time to stock, and inventory.  I got to work.  I was very busy for a while, but the machines look a lot better. 

Yesterday, for instance, a woman had asked me to get some Butterfinger Cups.  She said she really like them.  So I bought a variety pack that had them today, and stocked them all (along with all the other candy save the candy bar Ron ate at the warehouse).  She came by, saw it, and immediately bought it.  I was very happy. 

That is the experience I want my customers to have, they come by, see something good, and buy it.  It vends properly and gives them change, if appropriate.  Then they go off and eat it, knowing that they have "helped the handicapped" as I tell them when they make a purchase. 

I used up pretty much all our time there.  Of course, I put away the stuff we had bought - it took some doing to get it all compacted into our space.  I had a LOT of stocking, though, so that's what I focused on doing. 

Pretty soon, time to go.  There was some confusion on our pickup.  Ron was really obsessing about the fact they had a message on the paratransit line, from a supervisor he does not like, talking about the end of summer.  He has made many mocking, angry, complaints.  I tell him she probably has friends downtown and it's not a good idea to poke a stick, but he won't listen.  Stuff like that always gets back to the one you are talking about.  He kept making one angry call after another, raving about this woman's message, in between trying to find out about our ride home. 

We finally went outside.  It was cold and windy but not raining any more.  I wore my heavy coat.  Ron did not, he felt a sweatshirt was enough.  He had his coat in the wheelchair.  I took him out to the "waiting for a pickup" bench and sat down.  He made more angry phone calls.  It is odd when it is not pointed at me. 

Our driver came.  She was very nice, and had a little difficulty putting the wheelchair in the back along with the "does not fold" extra large walker belonging to the other client.  It is a good thing Ron could get in the back seat.  Some drivers would have said they couldn't move us, and wiggled out of the trip.  She did the job, and we thank her for it (me, at least). 

It was even a straight trip home.  This morning, I got a box on the porch from someone who said she was sending me some tracts.  She wasn't kidding!  I opened them up, that's a lot of tracts!  That will keep me busy for a while. 

I realized I had put the package on "Biscuit's" shelf of the kitty condo, so he was a little peeved he couldn't get up there all day.  He is too fat to get up there with it.  He forgave me when he smelled the wrapper that came off the package.  He found it fascinating (Linda has a couple of animals). 

Biscuit was taking a lot of time in the litter box.  I was worried about him and went over to watch, and pet him.  I petted him as he produced a very normal looking product, and peed with no apparent difficulty.  I didn't see anything out of the ordinary so I'm not going to worry.  Like Ron said, maybe he was a little constipated. 

I drank some eggnog (no spirits for me, ever) and Ron got into the vodka.  He is using his V-8 to make Bloody Marys.  Interesting choice of drink for a former Catholic.  At least he is getting some vitamins from the juice.  He said he would have "a quiet blackout" as I went to bed with Torbie.  Biscuit leapt up onto bed with me after he realized I was taking a nap, and stayed pressed against my leg while Torbie slept by my head, in her house. 

I had a pretty good nap. 

I woke up with some cramps.  I think it is related to the eggnog.  I took care of that and checked on Ron, in the kitchen.  I asked him if he wanted to go to bed (see how I did that?) and he said yes.  I took him to the bed and he got in OK.  Then I had the kitchen free.  I made some lemonade and got online. 

I need to send Linda a thank you note and then I will be done with the things I have to do.  I just cleaned the litter boxes so that is OK.  I hear someone eating dry food behind me, in the dining area.  Biscuit.  I will give him a can of Friskies in a while.  I try to feed them around 6 and 6, every day. 

I give Ron a C- for today. 

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