Sunday, December 30, 2018

Well, that was embarrassing

Ron's jacket was due today.  I looked out the front window and didn't see anything in the chair, where couriers normally leave packages.  I went online to check Amazon.  Maybe they got delayed, like they did with Torbie's house. 

They said it was delivered.  Yeah, right.  I investigated and under "order details" they had a full color photo of my front porch, with a package lying on the doormat.  Huh. 

I went out and looked, sure enough, it was there.  OK, now I'm embarrassed.  I brought it inside and opened it, it looks fine of course. 

I emptied out the pockets of my other hoodie so I could wash them together. 

As a rule I do not use lip care products BUT recently in addition to dry skin and funny hair I am also dealing with some chapped lips.  So I bought some nice balm today, all sorts of good fats and oils in a beeswax base.  I didn't see any funny chemicals or almond oil (I am allergic) so I bought it.  I took that out. 

I can only imagine the havoc a tube of lip balm could wreak in the washer and dryer. 

I'll wash it tomorrow along with all the other crap.  My washer's going to need one of those cleaning tablets by the time I finish! 

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