Saturday, December 29, 2018

A trip to the Waffle House?!

I think I left you with Ron passed out on the floor, in a lake of V-8, snoring. 

I left him like that and laid down.  Of course he woke up and started shouting for me.  What does he do on the days when I've left, and don't answer? 

He wanted to know his location.  This is an issue when you are a blind, problem, drinker.  You don't know where you are in your own home.  "In the kitchen" became "By the front door" as he scooted around.  He wanted the wheelchair out of his way. 

He had to pee, I brought him a urinal.  Happily he got everything where it belonged.  He fell asleep again.  I went back to bed. 

I had Torbie and Biscuit, and they were so sweet.  Ron started shouting for me again.  Now he wanted to know his location.  Yes, we just did that, but welcome to the world of a drunk.  Where the same question is asked again and again and again. 

I won't bore you with all the details.  Ron said he would sleep on the floor, by the front door.  I went back to bed.  He began shouting for me again.  I went back.  He said he wanted his wheelchair, so he could go to bed. 

I brought the wheelchair and held it while he tried to get into it.  It would have been funny if it weren't so sad.  He couldn't do it while I was standing there, and I was there for a while.  He did not have his cell phone, otherwise he might have tried to call the paramedics again. 

I suggested he lay down and sleep (it off, but I didn't say that) for a while and try again "When you're not so drunk" which led to "I'm not drunk" and more attempts to get in the wheelchair.  I finally told him I was going back to bed and I would appreciate it if he didn't bother me any more.  I gave him the pillow again and went back to Torbie and Biscuit. 

I heard more noise and a whole lot of cursing.  Ron shouted that he had gotten into his wheelchair finally, no thanks to me.  That must have been a sight.  I got his pillow and put it in his bed.  I watched him get himself into bed, ugly, but he did it.  Then I went back to my bed and my cats. 

I had a pretty good nap with them for about 2 hours.  Biscuit likes to think he is a small kitten, and walk on me, lie on me, etc.  He is a big beefy chunk of 20 pounds.  I doubt Ron could pick him up.  But he loves me (Biscuit).  He doesn't mess with Torbie's house, respecting it as her property. 

I slept pretty well but the headache comes and goes.  I don't want to take headache pills with caffeine if I can avoid it, I have had enough disruption with being kept up all night and half the day. 

I am also debating doing my clothes.  I am pretty sure I will, I have 2 pairs of jeans, some underwear, socks, t-shirts.  I think I'll do all that and then deal with Ron's mess tomorrow.  I will make him do as much cleanup as possible, and he will require a bath, but I am on my own for the laundry. 

But first I have to get the towels dried and put away.  I hate it when I have an armload of wet clothes for the dryer and I forgot to put away what was already in the dryer. 

I checked the paratransit computer.  He didn't make a trip to Walmart tomorrow, but, instead gave me a trip to the Waffle House. 

Looks like I will be calling someone tomorrow or Monday, for my Walmart trip. 

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