Sunday, December 16, 2018

I got to sleep in today

We have to get up early tomorrow, for Dr Pepper. 

Again.  I pray it is on our truck this time. 

Anyway, I slept late (8-9) and also took a nap.  Hopefully that will fill my tank enough to get through tomorrow. 

Ron has been reading a book about an addict, he made a general request for books and they are sending him a lot about addicts.  Overall, he reads them.  He was talking about the "Admit you have a problem" first step and admitted he might have a problem, but he "just wants to turn down the volume knob".  He's not there yet but he's aware of it. 

Am I sitting on pins and needles, hoping?  No.  But if he gets there I will support him. 

I find it interesting how God is throwing all these books at Ron.  We will see if anything sticks. 

I mainly worked on my computer and watched a little TV.  "Holiday" (why won't anyone call it "Christmas"!) movies all seem to feature a woman in an unhappy relationship and a moderately attractive, earnest, guy sweeps her off her feet.  That, to me, is a movie about cheating and I don't watch those.  But I keep checking.  Or someone lied big in the beginning and then the other party isn't sure if they can get over that. 

I took a pretty good nap, I had some good cuddles with Torbie, who emerged from her hiding place in the closet (she likes to have her private retreat), when she realized I was about to take a nap.  She walked on me, purring, lots of petting (Torbie, unlike many cats, can take virtually endless amount of petting).  We had a good time.  Then Biscuit joined us. 

He was such a bed hog last night I woke up with leg pain from "sleeping funny".  He gave me a little more room during my nap.  If I had a bigger bedroom (it is so small I had to put my dresser in the closet), I would get a king bed to make room for us all. 

#6 was out there running a saw at one point, and then walking around in the backyard right next to my bedroom wall with a bunch of metal tools in a metal bucket.  It made a lot of racket.  I also heard someone kicking around a soccer ball for a while, but just one person.  I am going to assume he is still working on the remodel and maybe one of the workers took a break to play with the kids' ball.  Not very professional, if true. 

Like I said, I had a pretty good nap but I woke up with a headache.  I took something for it and got back on the computer.  Ron got up and told me about his book, then went for the vodka.  He told me Baby Girl's "Hideaway Scratcher" (a cardboard box meant for scratching) was "finished" - it had a pretty significant hole where she likes to scratch.  As she used up each surface, we would rotate it so she would have a fresh one (this may be why they stopped making them) and she had used up all the surfaces.  It looks very scratched up, with more than one hole and general erosion of the cardboard all over the exterior. 

BUT, being a cat mom, I had bought more of them on clearance, actually right after my birthday dinner.  So I went out in the garage and got another one.  She is still playing with the old one but will be happy to have a nice fresh surface to scratch.  Tomorrow, I will put the old one in the recycle. 

Ron also gave them treats, he seems to have a good handle on the fish treats, which don't make Baby Girl aggressive.  He has actually scheduled a trip to Walmart tomorrow, after work, to go get more fish treats. 

These are "Temptations Surfers Delight" if you are interested.  We talked about the schedule for work tomorrow and he adjusted out pickup to arrive earlier.  As far as DR Pepper is concerned, they missed one delivery and we missed another (even though Ron told them we would not be there), so I don't want to miss a third.  I will be glad when we get the damned soda. 

Off I go for a while. 

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