Saturday, December 29, 2018

"I got it"

Ron had a bad night with pain, which meant I had a bad night being kept up. 

It is a source of frustration for me, when I am in pain I am QUIET.  Moaning and crying does not make it any better.  I even speak in a quiet voice. 

Ron, on the other hand, is just the opposite.  He moans and cries out in a very loud voice, which he did, all night long.  Every time I would drop off he would cry out again. 

I told him not to pick up that bucket of change, but he did, and messed up his back again.  It has been pretty good the last little bit. 

I don't know what I would do if I couldn't vent to you - if I said this in public I would look like such a bitch but I have got to get this out or my head will pop! 

Anyway, his back had been OK but not after picking up that bucket of change.  I told him I would do it, he said "No, I got it" and picked it up.  No, Ron, you do not "got it". 

So, totally sleep deprived due to all the loud screaming, moaning, etc.  Ron said he slept fine so he must have been crying out in his sleep. 

At one point I drifted off, I had Biscuit and Torbie in my bed.  I woke up, having a nightmare a crocodile was on my chest and about to eat me.  I woke up and found Biscuit, sitting on my chest.  Funny how my mind turned him into a crocodile.  He weighs about as much as one! 

Ron woke up around 8 and went to the kitchen to drink, after asking me to put the magnets on him.  The ones I did last night came off, and he put the magnets on his computer.  I was horrified, but it appears to be working.  I did his back, with extra tape (I need more tape) and two on his foot, which he said was hurting (the nerve pain makes it feel like his foot hurts, but it is really coming from his back, a couple doctors have said). 

He went to the kitchen and began drinking.  I did not pay him any attention.  He was in there for about 45 minutes, so God knows how much he drank.  I did hear a crash and saw V-8 all over the floor (which he will be cleaning up), and Ron passed out in the wheelchair.  He stayed passed out long enough for me to take a shower, then he woke up babbling nonsense.  I told him I was "busy" and he said "OK" and left me alone. 

At least he is agreeable. 

I won't go into details, but necessary to wash a load of towels today.  My primary towel, the one I use to dry off every day, had some hard water stains on it, anyway.  The trick was just balancing the washer. 

I have towels from various sources.  Stroud's linens.  They have been bankrupt for a while now, the towel from them is still in great shape.  They had a terrible return policy, they let you bring ANYTHING back, no matter how abused, for up to a year as long as you kept the receipt.  It was impossible for them to make a profit, doing that, because everyone treated them as "Strouds-rent-a-sheet".  But they had some very nice, plush, towels. 

They went bankrupt and I moved to Houston.  In Houston we had Anna's linens for our linen source, your average low to middle income person would buy linens there.  I bought a bath sheet in light blue which I use every day, well constructed, no snags or problems.  But now Anna's is bankrupt and long gone, as well. 

I have what I consider to be "plenty" of towels but I have bought some at a thrift store, and some at Walmart.  I have a thrift store towel on Baby Girl's cardboard box.  She likes to lie up there.  So does Biscuit!   Since I have had puking cats since 2003, I put towels on every chair. 

Ron is snoring now.  Good, maybe I will get some peace. 

I woke up with yet another headache, and tried to fight it off.  I ate and took my pills, drank some Vitamin C dissolved in lemonade so I get better iron out of my supplements.  I got online for a while.  Headache was OK, but got worse.  So I took some Excedrin right before I took my shower today. 

Aaaand Ron just fell on the floor.  I'm going to leave him there until he sobers up, he didn't hit hard.  He turns to jello when he's drunk, like one of those dui drivers who walks away without a scratch. 

I took my shower, really enjoying my shea butter soap with lemongrass.  My face is finally happy, clean and not dry.  The skin on my hands is not "ashy".  That's one thing I never understood, other cultures compulsively applying hand cream.  I remember one client got in, grabbed my arm, and yelled "LOTION".  I told her I didn't have any and she left me alone.  Now I get it. 

It must be particularly hard in the food service and health care professions, because you are always washing your hands.  Really no point in applying lotion at those jobs, until you clock out! 

My load of towels is on soak right now.  When they finish I will run a load on regular cycle.  I would have gone to Walmart today (Ron paid me early), but it's a Saturday.  It has been my experience cab drivers don't like Walmart on the weekend.  And, of course, impossible to get things like cat litter on the bus. 

Ron was all obsessed with the fact that it's "supposed" to rain the next couple days, and wouldn't make a trip for me.  So I will have to go Monday. 

Which means I am stuck at home with a passed out cripple on the floor, probably in a puddle of the V-8 he spilled earlier.  Which also means I will be doing a load of clothes later because no clothing can escape that unscathed. 

On the plus side, his hoodie shipped Thursday so odds are pretty good we will get it today. 


Anonymous said...

Don’t rely on him to make your trip. Can’t you call the cab guy yourself? You need a break from Toxic Man

Heather Knits said...

Well, cabs are pretty ugly at Walmart on a Sunday. I am thinking, if I really want to go tomorrow I may call Chuck and pay him to go to Walmart, maybe even buy him something to eat. Chuck can't always drive but he will help me if he can.

Only Ron can make paratransit trips, as he is the "client". So, if Ron doesn't want to go I am either on the bus or paying for a cab. He, I feel, abuses that sometimes.

Last case scenario I could call one of "our" cabs for Monday. They all work then. Alex has been very eager to get back on "most favored cab" list and would probably be happy to help.

I'll figure something out.