Friday, December 28, 2018

A bad headache today

I slept pretty good last night.  When I got up this morning to change my female product, I realized I had started my cycle. 

I had wondered about that, I have had a steady low flow since my last cycle.  Would it stop and then start?  Or suddenly more?  Turns out it was the latter. 

I got the heavy duty stuff and took my shower.  Ron and I had a bad caregiver moment during my shower but we overcame without attacking each other.  It is tempting, at times, to blame Ron for things he cannot control and that wouldn't be fair to him. 

I had a bad headache all day which never really improved.  As I age, I am getting the traditional menstrual headache and I find it tiresome: the first day, I'm going to have a nasty headache. 

We got dressed and went to the warehouse.  Our driver was early but we didn't mind.  Ron asked me to buy a case of bottled Coke (which turned out to be a really good idea, and I told him so at work), and I bought some sandwiches for the machines.  I also got for "personal" muffins and a soda for us. 

We paid and were waiting, our next driver came early!  Not bad.  We headed out. 

She was scheduled to pick up someone near work and then take us to work.  We were early and the old lady took FOREVER coming out.  She also reeked of cigarettes when she did come out, so apparently the "important business" that delayed her involved knocking back a couple of smokes. 

The smell of cigarette smoke is so heavy and pervasive, I don't think smokers realize how offensive non smokers find it.  Not to mention the health danger to themselves and others.  At least they jacked up the taxes on the cigarettes so the smoker is essentially paying for their own health care. 

We went to work.  They have changed the whole ingress thing at work, they now have a barricade down the main aisle so the vehicle cannot unload us without blocking the other vehicles.  So we had to go way up into the parking area and then unload.  I left Ron sitting between two cars in the handicapped area and got a cart. 

I saw Mike, he was in a good mood.  I like him a lot, he always has a really good attitude.  Even when things are rough he doesn't whine and moan.  I need to tell him this. 

I got the cart and got Ron in the building.  We went to work: but not much to do!  We ended up leaving early and calling a cab, it was so dead. 

We had a good cab ride with a driver who is also a conservative, nice to have like minds and no one trying to bludgeon you into their point of view.  We got home and unloaded. 

Since my previous batch of sandwiches did not sell, I brought the new ones home and stuffed them into the freezer.  I did some research into iron. 

I am bleeding pretty much every day, and not just during my traditional cycle.  That causes iron loss.  What do I do to make it up?   I did some research. 

I also dug around in my pill box (prescriptions and supplements all having a happy party) and found a bottle of Ferrous Sulfate, the "green" iron pills.  I recalled reading they were the "good" pill.  I took one with a muffin and added some extra vitamin C to my drink.  Vitamin C enhances iron absorption.  That is 65 mg right there.  I won't reiterate all my math, but if I take a green iron every day during my period, and my 27 mg Swanson multivitamin with Iron every day until my next cycle. I should be fine.  I have to keep myself in prime condition. 

I also need to see a doctor when I get a chance.  But nothing so extreme I am worried.  Just get examined and maybe an ultrasound to check for fibroids.  Boy, those ultrasounds are personal, I have had two of them in my life, they didn't hurt but they were odd. 

My head was still pretty bad so I decided to take a nap.  I used my aromatherapy roll on - mint and rosemary, and laid down. 

I think all medicine has a place.  I take all my prescriptions, I take supplements as needed, I use aromatherapy if I feel it will help.  The last sure won't hurt. 

When I turned on my noisemaker, Torbie came running, only to run off to Ron when he started treating Baby Girl.  She did come back, though. 

I had a somewhat restless nap due to the pain.  #6 sent all their kids out in the yard to play right outside my bedroom, they were screaming and banging, carrying on.  It wasn't helping my head.  I got up. 

Took more Excedrin - I sure hope I sleep tonight, that is 3 doses.  I watched some TV and got online. 

I did want to talk about one last thing before I go.  Twice recently I have encountered a "religious" person who said they did not "need" mental illness medication. 

I cannot tell you how dangerous that thinking is.  Both of them, were in my view, delusional.  Both of them felt they were having special messages from God, "visions" etc.  That is not a sign of holiness, that is a sign of profound mental illness.  God, in my experience, tends to work much more subtly. 

One talked about the "huge charge of energy" she had when she "threw away her medication".  Yes, because you are bipolar and got manic..  It is so frustrating to me as a person of faith, with mental illness.  There is nothing wrong with taking your medication and being a person of faith.  That pleases God, that's why He made it possible for you to get the medication. 

It does not make you "special or holy" to have "visions" or "special thoughts from God".  Those are, in fact, signs that something is profoundly wrong in your mind that needs correcting.  God still talks to me on my medication, in fact, the primary thing He reminds me to take it!  [grin]  But I am not having "visions" or "feeling special caresses from Jesus".  [sigh] 

So frustrating and sad.  And it makes people with mental illness, and people of faith, look bad - they can't even control themselves long enough to take what they need. 

That does NOT please God. 

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