Saturday, December 15, 2018

"You eat it, you buy it"

Nothing like the sound of a talking computer, at maximum volume, at 2 AM.  And that's only one of the incidents.  Of note, he tried to come in my bedroom (would have wrecked it, I'm sure) and ate my leftover pizza (Not Happy about that).  Just general making-noise-all-night blackout, not verbally abusive. 

"Tired" this morning when we got up.  Yeah, no shit.  We're both tired because you were up all night making racket.  I addressed it with him, and he said, after yesterday, he "deserved" it. 

I didn't want to get in a big fight right before work so I let it drop.  I deserved a night of restful sleep.  If someone else had kept waking me up like that he would have been furious, and made many calls to the police. 

I believe he sees himself as my protector.  Well, he wasn't, last night. 

And I don't want a shrieky take of wrongs-done so I will leave it at that. 

We did something different today, Jack picked us up at the house and took us to Sam's.  He did some personal shopping and I used my card (just the card, not the sales tax discount) to check him out.  I don't know if he had a membership but it wouldn't have worked unless he was a "plus" member, which he wasn't.  He paid with a credit card, I think. 

I went and did all my shopping while he was doing his.  No Sprite AGAIN today, but they had everything else.  I got enough to hold us for a week.  Ron gave me $500.  I spent $498.  Ha! 

We loaded the truck.  Ron has more trouble getting in and out of the truck, every week.  It concerns me.  He needs to stay in shape somehow - he really needs those water aerobics lessons.  He almost fell, twice. 

We don't need that.  I positioned myself so he would have fallen against me.  If I had gone down he would have landed on top of my padding and been OK.  But I really don't like to think about this. 

We went to work and stocked for a couple of hours.  People kept trying to "help" with the cart.  I am anal about that and really don't like people touching my carts!  It's just one of those neurotic things, I know I am overreacting, but I just don't like people messing with my tools. 

Besides, some people find it "funny" to take stuff off the cart and either keep it, or make a big production out of holding it and saying it is theirs now.  I don't take money out of their pocket! 

Anyway, they finally moved it when I wasn't around, they must have felt such glee!  Because I was so clear I did not want anyone touching it.

But I guess they see anything in the building as company property.  It is not, it is MY company's property. 

I am more upset about this than I am the blackout! 

Anyway, we stocked.  I helped customers.  I found out snack #1 has another burned out motor.  That is a total of 3.  Not good.  "They" are ordering me a new snack machine.  Well, they're ordering it for Ron. 

I discovered Snack #1 had been vandalized - that's how I found out.  It had been rattled so hard two trays came loose, but no product fell.  They were apparently angry they "couldn't" buy the Lay's and took it out on the machine.  Hitting the machine is not going to fix a burned out motor.  They probably hurt themselves doing it, too. 

But when it comes I may need to replace Snack #1 instead of #3 as I'd planned.  #1 is a pretty old machine.  It is 14 years old.  It has been VERY reliable and I am in no hurry to get rid of it, but we will definitely need to get the repairman out to service it. 

It has been a very good machine.  If you are interested, it is an API. 

So we got it all done, and left.  Our ride was late to go home, but it was someone we knew, and it was a straight trip.  We got home. 

I told Ron I was taking a nap.  He understood dire consequences if he did not "let" me sleep.  Besides, he was tired from being up all night.  We retreated to our respective beds and got comfortable. 

Biscuit joined me.  He was adorable.  He walked all over me, kneading and purring.  He has just become the most awesome, cuddly cat.  With us.  He is terrified of pretty much everyone else (except Eric and Pete).  But with me, when I'm going to sleep, he is perfect. 

The cats really love the cheap wool blanket I put on the bed.  You may remember it from 2009, the infamous Harbor Freight red wool blanket.  Now they have a disclaimer "Not for use as bedding" but it works great.  Link to blanket

So Biscuit sleeps on the blanket, on top of the covers, and Torbie even got on the bed for a while.  It was a good time.  I get a lot of my emotional needs met from the cats, because Ron, at best, is unreliable. 

Torbie eventually went in the closet.  She likes to do that sometimes.  She is a "cave-dweller".  Biscuit is more a "Tree Climber", so is Baby Girl.  That's why I bought Torbie the house. 

I slept pretty well for a couple of hours (sometimes I don't need a long nap, just a nap), woke up with a nasty headache.  Oh, well.  Time to take my Excedrin.  I moved Biscuit, got up (hated to leave him!) and took it.  I knew I would be up after that so I just stayed up, got on the computer. 

I was most unhappy this morning when I found Ron had eaten the last of my pizza.  He offered to buy me a new one, which I will probably accept, after he gets up. 

You eat it, you buy it. 

I will call my parents in about an hour and a half.  Not sure what I will tell them about this week.  "Ron almost fell".  "Ron had a blackout".  "Ron treated me like crap all week"

Ah, I don't think so. 


Spankadoo said...

Do you ever watch the YouTube videos with Japanese vendinging machines?
I love vending areas and looking to see what is in them when I travel it does show what folks eat locally that is for sure!
I would love to go to Japan and go “vending” LOL my kids used to call it that “let’s go vending” when we opted for a vending machine lunch it was such a treat for them to buy food out of a machine!

I am so old I remember places back east that we would on a special occasion go to the Automat (google it if you have not seen one ) they ended when I was little i think in the 60s it was so fun!

My new job has no vending machines at all ..not one! This is the first time in my career I could not go and “vend” when I am stressed out! LOL! It is my guilty pleasure to buy a treat now and then .

I guess it is “ok” I am doing vegan keto now for a couple of months to get my blood pressure in gear! Much love and Happy holiday Heather! OOOXXX big hug hugs for the kitties I can picture Torby enjoying her house! That is so darn cute!

Heather Knits said...

I need to watch some Japanese vending videos. I can put them up the business' facebook page, too.

Hopefully your job is not a factor in the blood pressure! One thing I have heard is you can try eating a couple of stalks of celery (take the leaves off) a day. It was proven to help lower blood pressure and it is safe and cheap. Also watch the caffeine, that is always a factor.