Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The nap didn't go well

Ron, very drunk, continued to make noise (and messes), pull out the cord to his headphones - resulting in extremely loud talking book noise, turn his phone on and off repeatedly, etc. 

Computer guy just tried to call Ron, but Ron didn't answer.  Probably a good thing.  Ron made all these promises of lavish pay when the guy "fixed" the problem, blowing up his cell phone, the guy finishes and Ron won't even take his call.  I wouldn't blame the guy for taking everything apart again and just giving Ron his hard drive. 

When he was sober, Ron said he wanted to take this lavish amount of money out of savings (he keeps taking money out, but he isn't putting anything back), to pay the man.  I guess that is marginally better than putting it on the credit card but right now I am pretty pissed. 

I had BETTER get a good night's sleep tonight or Ron will be stocking those vending machines alone tomorrow. 


Anonymous said...

Are you on the savings account with him? You may have to get him declared as incompetent and take that account over from him, otherwise he will drain it entirely. You need to start putting yourself first and the hell with him and his feelings. Promising the computer guy ALL this money is bulls--t. Same when he gave the cab driver that ridiculous tip. WTF?

Anonymous said...

I like seeing you get angry for a change. It is the second step you need to start standing up for yourself.

Heather Knits said...

About the savings, Ron "borrows" and then forgets to pay it back. I am going to sit down with him when he is clear one day and go over the balance with him.

We need to pay for the latest computer thing and then we will both probably need dental work so I can understand a "loan" for that - but he needs to either say "That's gone" or "I paid it back". No more of this "Gonna pay it back".