Monday, December 17, 2018

What a Monday

We went to bed early last night, and I got up at 4 AM.  Ron followed pretty soon afterward.  We got ready for work, and left a little after 5. 

We had a straight trip to work, got in, started stocking.  It was a pretty average day, but Dr Pepper was supposed to come. 

Ron set up the pickup for 9 - instead of the 10 we agreed on.  So he had all the drama of the order coming and trying to put it away right before the pickup. 

More drama than I want.  Sometimes I wonder if Ron likes having dramas like that.  He seems to set them up. 

We came home and I laid down for a nap, nope.. I am wrong! 

I did come home at one point but not yet... we went to Walmart after work!  Ron wanted more cat treats and felt it was emergent enough to plan a trip to Walmart, after work.  I had about an hour. 

I started working my way down the list, and got shampoo, more tampons (having an issue, there), etc.  I talked with Ron about jerky, got myself some diet soda, etc.  I worked my way through toilet paper (yes, please) and cat plates - the 6 inch round styrofoam plates I use to serve wet food.  Over to the cat treats: the whole reason for the trip.  They only had 2 of the Surfer's Delight but they had a green-topped seafood one.  I got it (and the girls loved it).  I also got another package of the tuna treats they like.  Then I headed over to canned food, looking for Supreme Supper.  Ron called, rushing me to check out.  I persisted and found the supper, got 12 cans, THEN checked out. 

I found one of my favorite cashiers and used him.  I didn't have my reusable totes and let me tell you, all those bags were a real PITA.  Happily we had an accommodating driver on the way home. 

THEN we went home, I put everything away, and I laid down for a nap.  I was pretty wiped out, and I hadn't even gotten a chance to get my underwear. 

Years ago, Ron and a male friend of his had an idea: why couldn't a woman have dedicated underwear she only wore during her cycle?  I thought it made a lot of sense so I have a dedicated color I use only for that.  However, some of them are getting holey and tired looking so I could use a new pack in rotation.  But I didn't have time, today. 

Ron checked and found out the gas bill was due soon, so he paid that.  He also checked the electric, which we just paid and it was fine.  We just need to mail the water bill.  Good.  He is being "a good provider" of physical needs at least. 

So far, through all of this, Ron is fine.  We laid down for a nap, I fell asleep, it went alright at first.  I had Torbie in her house (my allergies are so bad from that I have been taking generic Claratin every day with my antidepressant), and Biscuit lying on my legs as he's prone to do. 

Then #2 let their dog out.  I can't figure out their schedule but at least one of them works nights.  When they get home in the morning they put the dog out in the yard to bark outside all day while they sleep (somehow?).  Then, when it's time to go to work again, they put the dog back in the house.  It is one of those small, valuable breeds that would be kept if someone found it running loose.  So they don't leave it out at night, ever, which is a good thing as it's a Barkappotamous.  It loves to bark at birds, squirrels, traffic, you get the idea.  It is very tedious and kept me from sleeping when I really needed it. 

I have a theory it also prevented Ron from sleeping, which probably factored into his later behavior.

We got up, Ron took a pain pill.  Our ride was about half an hour late and Ron was very upset about it.  He barely spoke to the driver, who is a nice kid.  We had a straight trip and got there pretty quick.  I pushed Ron into the building.  The cook was chatting with one of those customers. 

You know the customer, the one who has no personal life so they want to know all about yours.  This guy was actually asking the waitress where she went to high school, and some other rather personal information as well.  He spoke very loudly and strongly.  So did the cook. 

And Ron went nuts shouting at them to shut the f*ck up, etc.  Everyone was gaping at him, me included.  I told Ron it's a restaurant, people are allowed to speak!  He kept raving.  I asked him if he wanted me to take him outside.  By this point everyone had shut up, staring at Ron.  He calmed down and put his head down on the table, saying he didn't want anything. 

What the? 

I can only assume it is a consequence of alcohol, head injury, etc.  But it was pretty horrifying. 

Getting dinner out has been one of my bright spots in life.  Ron had generally behaved and we had a good time, but it's getting too "expensive".  Ron is happy eating dinner at home, so we will. 

In the meantime, I ordered what I normally do (4 cheesy eggs, pecan waffle, side of bacon) and ate it when it arrived, taking my pills somewhere between the eggs and bacon.  The cook tried to strike up a conversation with me a few times, and I would have loved to talk - I'm an extrovert. 

But Ron had proven unpredictable so I sort of gestured at him and made an apologetic face.  We did chat a little towards the end, but it was dead silent in that restaurant for a good hour. 

I felt very bad about that but I don't have control.  All I can do is say, OK, I guess that is not going to happen now. 

Our ride home was on time.  He was listening to NPR, which Ron hates.  Ron made some attacking comments and I cringed again.  The driver didn't take it personally. 

You really have to have a thick skin to work with the public these days. 

We got home.  I looked up my underwear on Amazon and it costs twice as much as Walmart.  I won't be doing that.  Looks like I will be going to Walmart tomorrow, on the bus (I can certainly do that. 

But at least I get to sleep in tomorrow.  I plan to go to bed early, though. 


Anonymous said...

You should use the bus more often so you don’t have to take him out shopping. Or invest in amazon prime for things you can get on there. I buy all sorts of home products, such as paper towels and dishwasher pods, even cat treats on amazon. And if you don’t like amazon maybe start ordering on And one of these days Ron is going to get banned from a restaurant. And my guess is that if you want to “blame” his behavior on something, 99% of it is Ron. The other 1% is the drugs/alcohol/brain damage. He has to have accountability.

Heather Knits said...

Oh, I like Amazon and I have Prime. That's how we got the wheelchair in 2 days.

I agree about the banning. I think the only thing that has kept Ron from that is his obvious, overt, physical problems. But last night was awful and it's going to be a long time before I go back.