Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Vending done right!

I could tolerate my sleep being messed with last night.  I could tolerate Ron getting drunk first thing this morning.  I could tolerate him interfering with my sleep time. 

BUT when the began a campaign of verbal abuse, after I simply asked him to stop and let me sleep, had him demand "an apology" for shouting at him (yes, I lose my temper), and then maliciously plan aloud, how he was going to get his revenge by waking me up when I didn't expect it... I just said f*ck it. 

I was already having a bad day, and it was very unlikely Ron was going to be coherent enough to make trips for tomorrow - we were supposed to work Thursday.  I didn't want my machines to go unstocked another day, and what the hell, I might as well fill them up today. 

So I called Arturo, after I got my badge and keys.  He came and took me to work.  I paid him, went inside, and began stocking. 

Filled bottled vendor
Filled Snack 3. 
Stocked Sodas 1, 2, &3, also refilled their change banks. 
Stocked Snack one and two. 

I even used the bill validator cleaning card so it will have a higher acceptance rate on vends.  Oh, and I fixed soda 3 and paid some refunds. 

It took about 3-4 hours.  It is amazing how much faster things go when I'm not helping Ron every other minute.  I put everything away and called Arturo again... well, I tried. 

I couldn't get a signal!  I walked all over the cafeteria, holding my phone up, trying to get some bars.  I finally got a signal and called him.  And he said it would be at least an hour. 

I told him OK, I would call the cab company. 

I grabbed an expired honey bun, my hoodie, a cold can of Diet Dr Pepper, and went outside.  The cab company had a more complicated process. 

It used to be, we have your address as [my home address], if that's not correct press this number and tell a real person where you are.  The new system has me telling the computer my new address, etc.  It spit the address back at me, correctly, and cheerfully told me a ride would arrive shortly. 

Not, I thought, in this neighborhood.  It is really awful.  So awful we have our own police force. 

I forgot to mention the police searched my fanny pack today, and grilled me about Ron's location.  I told them he "wasn't feeling well" so I had come in by myself.  They wanted to know how long I planned to work.  The freaked a little when they saw the tampons, I think, and handed me the bag quickly.  Then I went to work. 

They were off doing something else by the time I left. 

I ate my honey bun and drank half the soda.  A strange number called, a Nigerian man wanted some information about my trip, I gave it to him, told him I was paying cash.  He liked that!  He asked if I was outside (I am always outside when I call a cab, it is not fair to make them hunt me down), and said he'd be there in a couple of minutes. 

"A couple of minutes" can mean various things to various cab drivers.  But he actually showed up as advertised.  We had a good ride home. 

He doesn't like cats, a cat ate his guinea pig when he was a boy.  Understandable.  We got stuck in traffic which added about $5 onto the fare. 

I had a big wad of $1 bills, and some larger bills.  I asked him which he'd like, he said it didn't matter, so I gave him two $5's and the rest in ones.  With a GOOD tip.  He was very appreciative.  When "Heather [my phone number]" comes up in his box he will take the trip!  He was a nice guy and I wish him well. 

I came in the house.  When I leave during a blackout I never know what I will come home to.  The house looked the same, Biscuit on the condo, Baby Girl on her box, Torbie in my chair.  I heard Ron snoring, so he is asleep. 

And yes, I'm very tempted to go blare an air horn or something and wake him up. 

Let me see if he remembered to make any trips for tomorrow.  No trips.  Good thing I went into work today. 

It is my business, too, even if it's only Ron's name on the papers and contract.  That's how the program works, only the blind person has the business. 

But it is my business, too.  And that business is a living thing, and will die if left unattended.  So I'm glad I went in and "fed" it.  The third shift workers saw me working, the machines looked great when I left. 

I even filled the change banks so everyone will get their proper change.  Vending done right.  Ron can pass out after a day of drinking, but I am getting things done. 

And then I came home and took my pills so all this sleep deprivation won't flip me into a mania. 

Hopefully I can sleep in tomorrow. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, way to go gal....God Bless you this Christmas and always.