Friday, April 1, 2022

Friday morning

 Woke up with the migraine, continued.  It was bad enough I took some Excedrin and went back to bed.  I don't like to take Excedrin due to the caffeine content.  I was pretty bad off.  I had 3 cats in my bed, most notably Cleo and Biscuit.  I got up and had a lemon pie which helped a lot.  I just hope it sticks because I have a long day.  

There is some way (I am unclear) that I could get today off and it be paid, not get a penalty mark, but I am feeling better and not inclined to call in if I am even remotely functional.  I am working up my energy to take a shower.  

I don't get paid a lot this pay period, about $500, because they are cutting hours, mine included.  I want them to see me as reliable.  And I need the money.  The last thing I want to do is try to figure out the sick leave system with a migraine.  

Although I am feeling better, just run down and groggy.  I am going to play a little online for a while and then take my shower.   Did that, made some herbal detox tea as well.  I may get some milk thistle at work today.  That is good for the liver.  

I did my God Time and Spotty joined me, purring.  He is very affectionate in his own way but he can't abide kisses.  He will let me pet him bald, though.  I was worried as I hadn't seen Baby Girl this morning and was actually looking under beds for her.  But I found her atop her scratcher in the orange room.  She seems fine.  So are the other cats.  

I drank my detox tea it is pretty good (Yogi tea).  I need to get dressed now.  

Done.  I change the jeans every day or so which meant I had to load up my new jeans with everything I carry in my pockets.  A lot.  I have even considered buying men's cargo pants when I get down to goal and wearing those.  I might check at the thrift shop in a few months.  

At any rate I am going to work again.  That's it for now.  

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