Friday, April 8, 2022

Friday morning

 Still under a boil order.  I went to work yesterday and had a pretty good night, made my $72.  I took my lentils, cheese, and rice for dinner, it was pretty good.  Only problem I cannot wash any dishes at home due to the boil order.  So my kitchen looks pretty bad.  But the water district assures me it shouldn't be too long.  

My aunt and uncle made it out to my Dad's, along with my other uncle.  They are all having a great time.  I am very happy for them.  I know my Dad wanted me to come, too, and probably would have bought me a ticket, but I was just not up for a big family event.  Not to mention the traveling and TSA.  So they are good.  I called after work and spoke to all of them on speaker and they were having a lot of fun.  I know my aunt and uncle slept well because my adoptive Mom bought new memory foam mattresses (trundle) for the guest room.  Dad has been looking forward to this for a long time.  I am happy for him and happy he made it to 80 in very good health.  

I told them how they are clearing both vacant lots near my bus stop and, only now, told them how a homeless guy had been squatting on one of the properties.  I didn't want them worrying about me but will tell them now that he's gone.  

I went to bed and slept OK but woke up around 3 with a vicious headache.  It was bad enough I took some Excedrin and went back to sleep.  It took some of it and I went back to sleep for a little bit.  I can tell it is a migraine when I can go back to sleep after the Excedrin.  

Woke up it is still present.  We finally got our trash pickup 2 days late.  My garbage can reeked as I had some bad meat in it.  It still reeks.  I had some fake pine-sol on hand so I put that in the can.  It won't affect the cats and should help with the trash can smell.  I like to have a better smelling can if possible.  And I put my can up, the trash guys had put it over by #6 who I'm sure would be happy for the extra can.  I have a big family on either side and I am constantly baffled they don't pay the extra $50 for another can.  I would if I had a lot of people here.  They will take up to 4 items (cans, bags) per household although I have seen they will take a lot more from my house, or did, after Ron died.  Like that horrible carpet.  Why not have another LARGE can and have a home for all that extra trash?  And no one recycles either.  Well, I do.  Because I lived in CA I guess.  

I need to take my shower, I did not yesterday.  My hair still looks OK though.   Done, and I got clearance to drink my own water now.  That's good, I got some of it in my eyes during the shower.  

I got the card: MUCH appreciated and will go to groceries likely Monday.  I have figured out a way to get to Foodtown on the bus it takes a while each way but is basically a free ride.  

Of course now I need to do all my dishes before I do any more cooking.  I'm not doing them this morning, I have to get ready for work.  Probably tomorrow after work.  Tonight is my "nap" night where I come home, take a nap, and back to work.  It's a little rough but I have enough for a cab ride in the morning which gives me 2 more hours of sleep.  Next pay period I have water bill, cell phone, and internet.  I have enough budgeted to cover my gas bill, happily.  It was not bad only $55.  

I brought some peanut butter (soy butter) sandwiches on raisin bread and am eating one right now, it's pretty good.  The shower took care of the last of the headache.  Happy about that.  

The cats are good but someone threw up in Ron's room.  Glad I didn't do carpet.  That's it for now!  

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