Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter morning!

 He is risen!  

Yesterday was long but not awful, just long.  Some drama but that goes with Walmart.  

Everyone was asking if we were open today and shocked when I said yes.  The store made quite a bit of money the other night, they want to keep that going.  They won't make any money if they're closed.  

I do hope we are off thanksgiving so I don't have to worry about transportation.  I wouldn't want to try to find someone to pick me up at 10 PM Thanksgiving night.  But that is months away.  

I came home, had a protein shake and some crackers, took my pills, called Mom and Dad, took a shower and off to bed.  I woke up at 4, had some cold water and went back to bed.  I keep cold tap water in the fridge I do like a cold drink now and then.  Alarm went off at 6 something but I managed to push it off until 7.  

One of my coworkers lost a family member so I want to get a condolence card before I start work today.  She is a nice lady and I know I really liked the cards I got.  I just hope I don't cry again in the greeting cards.  Ron is resurrected, he is happier than ever.  If I love him I have to be happy for that.  I just miss him and the security he provided and that sucks losing the companionship and some financial security.  I could always count on that disability check.  Anyway, I feel bad for her so I will get her a card.  It was pretty sudden.  

Heart attacks get a lot of people, it seems.  Number one cause of death in the US.  

I brought pot roast and lentils (not together).  I have been OK just eating the lentils but I don't want to take a chance of going hungry.  I do have plenty of work snacks though aside from my lunch.  

One of my coworkers from India (I have 2) was impressed I eat the roasted "chana" chickpeas and like them.  She knows what they are, I don't think she is into them personally but found it cute I was appropriating that part of her culture.  

Today's my Thursday, I have Tuesday off.  Unfortunately on Tuesday I have to take care of some business but once that's done I can enjoy Friday off.  Wednesday is only a little over 5 hours and Thursday is my usual shift.  I work Saturday and Sunday, 4 hours each, and then I have 3 days off in a row.  Of course I don't have any money to spend yet (that comes Wednesday) but I can sleep in, catch up on housework, watch Chicago Fire, etc.  Since I am only watching the reruns I don't really have the show in order yet.  I know how it starts up to about season 4.  I saw the episode where Otis died.  My question on that was why did they make a memorial for Otis but not one for Darden, who died in the first episode of the series?  Other than that I really like the show.  

Some things I need to do when I get paid: get my medication.  Pay down credit card (balance is about $200), I don't think I have a rush to buy cat food as I have fewer cats, but that's on the list.  

I will pray about it and figure it out.  I am not worried about it all the basics are paid.  I also need to do the water bill...will do that Wednesday.  Although I should get a discount because I had to boil water for a couple of days.  

I have no problem drinking tap water, although some places it has tasted better than others.  One place in particular was really bad, it was a duplex near the Post Office facility.  The water was from a shallow aquifer and often contaminated with coliform bacteria so they used a lot of chlorine.  It was like drinking bleach, awful.  But I didn't want coliform either.  Ugh.  Glad I moved.  

One thing I did when looking at the house was fill my empty soda bottle with tap water from the faucet and drink it, it was fine so that was a check mark in the plus column.  I can also do laundry Monday night or Tuesday morning.  I know I have some but I haven't looked in there except to toss dirty clothes on the floor.   

Yesterday I wore short sleeves and got some side-eye from the customers over the hives (I do not work in food service or I would have put a bandage on them).  So today I am wearing a 3/4 sleeve (which I love) blouse with my jeans.  It's a nice blouse, brown with gold stripes in a flattering manner.  I bought it when I was fat 😂 so it's too big but it works.  I would much rather wear something a little loose than something too tight.  You can't see the hives, which are better since I stopped drinking that detox tea.  I guess I will stick to dandelion root if I feel a need to detox.  

I am as ready as I'll be, for work.  I have a ride coming in about a half hour.  

That's it for now.  

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