Saturday, April 16, 2022

I hate waking up with a migraine

 It's a whopper, too.  

I took some Excedrin around 4, took one Tylenol plus one Aspirin about 20 minutes ago and that is helping.  I think I'll be able to work.  

I am not worried about smells, although I do have a heightened sense of smell during a headache.  I am more worried about screaming kids they are very loud.  But I am OK for now.  

I may buy myself a soda before work we will see.  I had a cold bottle of water in the fridge I am drinking that.  No appetite.  Actually a little bit.  

I feel bad for my aunt.  She just moved into her house and there is a problem.  I am praying it is a quick and easy fix.  She has very "organic" neighbors who may be very upset at the solution but that is just too bad.  I wonder if she got a home warranty?  I will text her.  She says she has a couple things she can do.  

I would be teed off at the home inspector.  Should have caught this.  

Anyway the one Aspirin plus one Tylenol is helping a lot.  I don't like a lot of caffeine.  I brought more because odds are I will need 2 more doses if this headache sticks around.  It feels like a hormonal migraine so I brought my girly supplies.  

I wonder if I will get my new vest today.  I was off the day they were handing them out.  In the meantime I will wear the old vest.  I was happy to see the new vest also has ample pockets because I have a lot of junk in mine.  I weed through it every week or so but it's ongoing.  

I don't feel great but I can work.  I miss the old days where Ron would randomly tell me we weren't going to work that day.  

That's it for now.  

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