Saturday, April 23, 2022


Oh I am tired.  I will try to hammer out a blog.  

Some days I think the depression is more just fatigue vs. other symptoms and I think today is a good example of that.  

Anyway I slept OK but got to bed late.  I had taken my shower last night I don't think that is going to happen tonight.  I got up on time and did everything I needed, headed out the door.  I did not take my usual Saturday morning cab ride because I did presumably get enough sleep to take the bus... and transportation already ate about 1/3 of my last check.  So I took the bus.  

It was long but I got to work OK.  Still no new vest.  I am starting to wonder if I am ever getting one.  Also there is a new shirt?  Someone said we have to wear that?  So the only individuality will be in my jeans and shoes.  Not complaining, many service people have to wear a uniform, but I preferred the "just" vest.  It will eliminate the plunging necklines some of the female employees were sporting, though.  

Work was busy but nothing really notable except for some conversation with other employees.  Working 10-2 I bridge 2 shifts.  And each shift wants to talk about the other one.  I said something to that effect today and also mentioned "Everyone is always talking gossip about everyone else, I can only imagine what they say about me"  One of them said the gossip was that I was lazy.  What?  I do everything in my job description and then half someone else's job, too.  I help every customer who comes my way, I don't just point them in the right direction I walk them over to the display.  I laughed and said "I knew they were saying something" and left it at that but I was annoyed.  Because I am the exact opposite of lazy.  I guess it could have been worse, they could have said I'm a "time stealer" (loaf around on the clock), stole, or treated others badly.  

I talked to my parents.  They are good.  I am figuring out my budget and shopping plans for the week.  

And I have to go if I want to get some sleep.   

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