Friday, April 22, 2022

Friday noon

 So I did the dishes, cleaned the toilet, got the lentils started.  I need to do laundry, cook the lentils and rice, and put my hand cart together.  I am watching TV and have the blinds open so I can catch some sun.  

The fence guy comes around 3:30 I need to put some water in the fridge.  I use bottled water for emergencies and also for guests "Have a bottle of water".  

The cats are good, Spotty was absolutely precious and laid down with his head in my lap as I did my Bible Study this morning.  Biscuit was also nearby.  It was really sweet.  Cleo?  😂  She only loves me at night.  The house is a mess but workable for a visitor and the toilet is clean.  

I will get it all done eventually.  I would also like some more tea.  

Happily tomorrow is not one of those long, long, days.  Just a 4 hour shift with riding the bus to and from which makes it 8 hours.  

I got a gift which I will spend wisely but don't feel like eating it up with rides to work if I can take the bus.  

And the weather will be decent, it will be light out, I will not be working late tonight so I will actually get 8-9 hours of sleep.  So doable.  

I am trying not to over think my day off today.  

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