Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Wednesday morning

 It's pretty sad when I have depressed dreams; when I wasn't having those I was dreaming about work, which I hate.  Work isn't bad I actually like most of my job, but I don't want to think about work if I'm not getting paid.  

So I woke up depressed.  I need to haul myself into the shower so I'm going to do that.   OK that is done, now I need to do my God time.  I am warming up listening to some praise music.  

I talked about this last year, but I really gravitated to certain songs after Ron's death.  And let me tell you I don't think I will ever get over the shock of finding him dead.  I liked "Praise you in this storm" already, now I really like it and I was actually playing it and meaning it hours after...then I found "Even If" which is another good one in that vein.  I think it is really important to watch what I put in my head.  Especially being so prone to depression.  

I have clothes in the washer but not going to start it until the hot water heater gets over my shower.  😂  It is old and I don't like to tax it.  Ron bought it as a gift for me, actually.  He wanted to get me a 50 gallon but my heater is in the attic and the 50 wouldn't fit, so he bought me a 40.  They had a hell of a time getting it up there but they did.  I think next time I will get a 30 especially as it's just me now.  

I thought it was sweet, my aunt went up in my attic and did an inspection before she left.  Just to make sure I didn't have an issue...she is flying out to my Dad today.  She hates wearing a mask she is going to hate the plane.  But they all (3 siblings) really love each other so it will be good to reunite.  

Things I need to do today: God Time, cook, dishes.  Ideally do up candy for the week ahead so I can just grab it.  

I just got dressed.  Cleo (calico) was on the bed and freaked out when she saw me with the underwear in my hand.  It was not that ugly!  😂  I am honored she decided to trust me.  I had to trap her to get her fixed and then she went to the vet.  She had to be fasted the first day, the second day they did the operation.  She apparently was pretty wild when she woke up and the vet kept her another day.  So I got her back the 3rd day.  I think they used towels to cover her and pick her up because she startles when she sees me with anything like fabric in my hands.  She is definitely a "spicy" cat but I am OK with that, she is a good girl with me.  

I never pick her up or kiss her, even though I would like to do both.  It's respect.  She would hate it even if I let her, and the 2 males are fine with kisses and picked up.  

So now I am going to go do my God time.  I am hoping the eyeglass place calls before I start cooking so I can run and get my new glasses.  I will of course put up photos.  

And my glasses are ready!  My ride will be here in about 20 minutes.  So I have a little more time.  

Both the glasses are purple, one is a purple tortiseshell and the other is solid purple frames in front with brown tortie arms.  Both really cute.  They weren't cheap but I am set for another couple of years now.  And I will have the lady get photos.   

So I got them.  Still adjusting to the new vision.  But here are the photos (it was a guy helping me)

They were really busy which I found surprising.  Our eyeglass thing at work was very busy with back to school and also with the end of the year "use your benefits", has also been busy lately.  But my cab waited outside so I had a ride home.  Which is a good thing as I didn't bring the bus pass or even a good set of shoes, just my slip ons.  

Yeah having some adjustment.  But I like the new script.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Cute pics!

Heather Knits said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Uber Joe here—been a while… you look great! Sorry for your hard year. Just think—how happy is Ron now that Baby Girl is with her.

Sending good vibes and prayers your way. My dad passed away last August, so I’ve been dealing with some loss as well. Not fun. But I can get through the loss and so can you, it’s not easy but what choice do we have???

Giving you an e hug, hopefully things pick up big time for all of us!

Heather Knits said...

I remember you! I am sorry to hear about your Dad it is always hard to lose someone. Ron has both his brown girls with him so I know he is happy, and my other 3 are good companions.

Getting ready for work tomorrow but it's not a long week, only 4 days this time. They are cutting hours as sales are down a bit. Fine with me.