Thursday, April 14, 2022

OK here's Thursday

 I slept pretty well, woke up on time but with a headache.  I took some Excedrin and laid back down for about 10 minutes.  That did it.  I got up.  

The pot roast was done so I cooked some rice and portioned out the pot roast with rice and some broth in each container.  I got 3 (it wasn't a huge roast, but a very flavorful one).  For my other days I work I can do the pork roast in the freezer.  I also saved the broth from the roast so I can use that to make some FANTASTIC  rice.  I didn't do the dishes, I guess I will do them tonight.  

The cats are good but ate most of their breakfast.  I don't get home until after 10 PM so I am debating leaving some more food out so they don't get too hungry.  I probably will.  That's a long stretch.  I try to feed them basically every 12 hours but I fed them at 7 today so you can see the problem.  

It worked great having taken my shower last night so I didn't have to do that today.  I just need to get dressed but that can wait a little while.  I also have to do up my candy but that will be easy with the NEW candy which looks really good (I used it yesterday).  

I ran out of my pills of the week medication, I need to sort that out again and do up another 3 weeks.  But for now I put a couple night's worth (the night is the really important dosing as that is 75% of the medication) in a little Altoids tin that should work nicely.  I have that with my other "pocket" stuff that goes in my pockets like the card wallet, keys, a little cash, etc.  I am also about a week out from my cycle so preparing for that too.  As I get to the end of the line my cycle has been a bit unpredictable.  But according to my timeline I have about a week, but it's come early other times so I have to plan for that.  

My hives look ghastly and there aren't even that many.  I need to wear a longer sleeved shirt today so I will figure that out, I don't like long sleeves but I think I have some half sleeves which will work.  I will go shop in my closet when I get dressed.  Last week I wore one of my "new" shirts (to me) and found it had a very scratchy tag, I had a coworker cut it out as it was really aggravating me.  I can see why they donated it.  It's a very nice shirt.  But that tag was hell!  

I even had enough time to make myself some tea so happy about that.  I am really trying to figure out how much food I need for my lunch.  I haven't taken my lunch to work in a very long time.  I want enough to fill me up but not waste any.  I plan to take some lentils and rice, and then some pot roast also.  I always used to buy a lunch wherever I worked.  

I could always depend on Ron's disability check to cover the rent and some of the bills, I just had to catch the balance.  Now it's all me.  That's good and it's bad.  I don't have some dude wasting his money on sports betting or useless collectibles.  I rode with a Uber guy who told me he had 9 cars.  I don't have that, but every penny that comes out of this house has to come out of my paycheck so I want to be thrifty.  And I don't work that long tonight either.  

I have a couple of longer nights later on, I know Saturday and Sunday which I totally get, Monday is a really long day which I DON'T get, it's just not that busy.  And then I work Wednesday but not even long enough for a lunch - but later at night.  

That is one reason I'm not taking the credit card to work anymore, too easy to pick up a snack.  If I only have the cash in my pocket I'm going to think twice about spending it.  

That's it for now.  

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