Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Tuesday 3 AM to Noon

I woke up around 1:30 with a headache, had a cold drink, went back to bed with Biscuit, couldn't sleep, got up after a while and on computer.  

Last night I got my shower so happy about that.  I also arranged a ride to FoodTown later today with Jack.  I still need to do dishes today as well.  But that's all I plan to do: shop, dishes, cook today and then some house cleaning tomorrow.  

The cats are good but Biscuit was growling at the cat door, one of the neighborhood cats must have come by to say hello, and Biscuit is pretty territorial.  He was fine about Spotty, Cleo, and Mama cat but any other cat is on the no fly list.  It only took about 30 seconds and the other cat left.  Probably just checking in.  One day I will probably wake up to a strange cat in my bed.  

Ooh I feel dizzy I am going to lay down.  

Went back to sleep for a while, had my trusty Biscuit with me.  He's a good boy.  Biscuit and Cleo are very cuddly, paws on, when I'm in bed.  Spotty is more of a "When you're awake I will come up and meow for petting" sort of cat.  That's all fine.  I got a little more sleep and got up when my alarm went off.  

I plan to call Jack in about 20 minutes.  Ideally I would get to Food Town right when they open but I am certain he doesn't, didn't, want to get up that early I know I didn't.  I will have to make this trip count as I have a pretty lean budget this pay period.  

Not that I am complaining savings are getting made and the bills getting paid, that's what matters.  So I got up and did my God Time.  Happy about that.  I think that is always important, did up some candy and English and Espanol so I can share Him at Foodtown.  I have to refrain at work because they are pretty clear on being "inclusive" I have talked about this.  But off the clock at another store there is no issue.  

One day at work a woman came up to me and asked me how Ron was doing.  She called him my husband, didn't know his name.  I explained he had died but it had been very quick with no pain (as near as I can tell).  She was very sorry to hear it and said she remembered us from when he used to bring me to Food Town on the Metro Lift.  He would wait for me up front listening to his music or a talking book.  She had fond memories of us and was genuinely sorry to hear he was gone.  And we hadn't really been there in years it was a big hassle with the transportation.  I guess Ron and I made a big impact wherever we went.  I don't really think about it until someone asks about Ron.  

Food Town had some nice little individually wrapped cookies I would sell at a very low price in the vending machine.  My cost, 25 cents, for sale at 50 cents.  That sort of thing.  Some of the customers loved it others accused me of "Favoring the Mexicans" and demanding special Asian foods in the vending machine as well.  Let me tell you the Asians never, EVER, put a penny into my vending machines so that would have been a huge waste of space and money.  I told them no, I am selling these cheap because I got a good deal, if someone doesn't have the full 75 cents for the regular cookies I would like them to still have an option (I also did a really nice 2 pack of saltines for a quarter which did very well, I think they were Pozuelo [edit: it was]).  If you don't like it don't buy it.  I still have plenty of regular foods.  If no one buys them I will take them out.  Sales dropped somewhat I think people figured out where I was getting them, and, like I said, the transportation was a nightmare so I stopped carrying them.  But I thought it was funny to be accused of racism (favoring the Mexicans).  Goes to show what Postal Workers get up to in the middle of their shift at 3 AM gossiping about the vendors.  

According to my Dad I am part Apache and if you go back a few generations I am sure I have some Latino as well.  In addition to the Scottish that is very well documented.  My Mom's side is more vague my brother swears our grandmother was "full blooded Native American" but based on her last name I kind of doubt that.  I have an intense sense of privacy regarding my DNA otherwise I would do one of those tests.  I am sure it would be interesting.  

All that said I did donate a couple gallons of blood.  They always took a lot of vials of blood before they actually put it in the collection bag so I am sure my DNA is on file somewhere.  But I prefer the illusion it is private.  

I am sure they would like to use me in a study, they were actually doing one to study weight, blood sugar, cholesterol, urine analysis, and DNA study to see if they could find an obesity marker, or a heart attack one.  I think my results would depress me.  My birth mother had breast cancer, for instance, and I am not eager to find out if I have the cancer gene.  That would sort of ruin my life even with my faith.  This way I can be happily ignorant.  For instance, how could I remarry knowing odds were I would get a breast or ovarian cancer?  I wouldn't feel like that would be fair to the man, or his family.  It is heartbreaking to watch a loved one suffer I wouldn't want to put someone I loved through that.  

Ron didn't really have a choice it was me or the nursing home, according to his family.  So he went with me and for a long time he did pretty well.  It wasn't until about 2011 he really went down hill.  Even then I didn't mind pushing him in the wheelchair and all.  But watching him in pain was the worst.  

I guess if I do get serious about someone I will have to be tested so we go into it with clear eyes.  There are a lot of cancer caregivers on my group and it really tears them up.  I wouldn't want to do that to anyone.  To be honest I would not want to get involved with someone with a serious medical condition either.   I'm just too raw on that.  

Anyway I called Jack and we went to Foodtown.  He waited for me.  I tried to be quick but probably took about 20 minutes.  I got chicken thighs, I plan to cook them in the crock pot.  I also got pork stew meat it was almost $3 a pound BUT it is all meat with not a lot of fat in it.  That will also go in the crock pot (not at the same time 😋)  That will be delicious.  I love chicken thighs above all other poultry.  And it's just me so I can eat whatever the heck I want.  The pork stew meat I plan to do some "Ro Tel" (generic brand diced tomatoes and peppers) with it.  I looked around for sage at the store but I was in a hurry and didn't see it.  I can look at work, I feel OK about getting spices there.  

My Dad bought me a very nice hand cart.  He keeps calling it my "Bag Lady" cart, which I find funny.  And true.  I do pretty well considering my limits.  

It is pretty big but that's good, and I won't be getting heavy things.  And I don't need to go grocery shopping for a few weeks.  Next week I have the fence guys coming by on my day(s) off.  I plan to maybe pick up a few smaller things at work on Monday after I get off at 2 PM.  Ride the bus home with it.  Save some money.  

Did up my budget it is about $480 in expenses so it remains to be seen what I net tomorrow.  I don't like to spend "more" on transportation if I can avoid it.  

While at the store I did hand out a few bags of candy.  I don't work there so I could.  I had English and Spanish, the Spanish had the Latino friendly "Fruit + chile" type stuff they like, and when they see it they get very excited so I feel I'm on the right track.  The English had the usual taffy, lollipops, etc. type stuff.  I felt good about doing that.  

And I got a decent amount of food.  I think I'm going to wait on getting meat next week as I have a lot right now.  (for me).  

When I got home I put my meat up and then called the HOA and explained 1.  The fence on the left is not my fence and 2.  I need another couple weeks to fix my fence.  He was fine with that.  

Plan to take a nap in a little bit.  I am pretty tired and, to be honest, a lot depressed.  Hopefully that will pass.  

You may remember about 10 years ago I had a problem with squirrels getting in my eaves and getting up to God Knows What up there.  I had Ron get up there and cover the worst entry point.  And then a friend found out about it, he lived nearby, and he came out and covered up the other ones.  So no more squirrels in the attic.  But ever since that I HATE squirrels I see them as rats with a furry tail.  A squirrel was slamming into my window near the computer and making a lot of racket.  He almost broke my window.  I don't know why he was doing that.  It didn't seem rabid or anything.  Just dumb.  

But I will never forget the sight of Ron on the stepladder, he was going to protect his woman if he fell, and he almost did, a couple times, but I was so upset I "let" him.  

And I recall one guy on Metrolift (paratransit) I got on and he was yelling at the driver, I sat down and was watching him.  Ron was coming out behind me.  The guy looks at me and says "You don't understand, I just had my baby toe cut off".  Then he got a look at Ron in the wheelchair and blind, laughing and joking with the driver, and shut up.  

Another time the driver was picking up a customer who was very abusive calling the driver a stupid bitch and worse.  She boarded (in a wheelchair) and Ron was in the back in his wheelchair.  Ron said "There's no call to talk to the driver like that".  She didn't look at Ron when she replied "But I'm in a wheelchair".  Ron replied "A wheelchair huh?  Are you blind, too?"  She said no, of course not.  "Well I'm blind and in a wheelchair and I treat the driver with respect, so shut up".  She got on her cell phone calling someone and crying because Ron was "mean" to her which was rich considering how awful she had been to the driver.  When we got off both Ron and I called in compliments on the driver.  

That's one thing I really liked about Ron.  

So I'm going to take my nap and hope I come out of it feeling better.  I think I will also take a b vitamin as well.  

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