Sunday, April 3, 2022

Headache was much better today

 I think I am through the worst of it.  Not something I advise trying, ever.  

Off to take a shower and then get dressed.  I plan to run by the budget grocery after work so I brought one of my reusable tote bags.  I also need to feed my bus card $20.  I am down to about a $40 credit on it.  I like to keep it around $60-65.  That is 100 days worth of riding for me.  Well, 50 round trips and 100 one ways.  And do up some candy of course for my drivers, I will have 6 today.  

I have not seen Baby Girl in over a day and I have a bad feeling about that.  I looked all over the house and she is not here.  I really feel she has given up.  I hope I am wrong but I may not see her again.  She does have a microchip if she gets picked up by animal control or taken to a vet.  But I could be wrong, you never know.  

Off I go to take my shower.   Did that.  

Should be interesting getting to work; I have never ridden the bus this early on the weekend.  I have my reflective vest and the light so hopefully he will see me and stop.  Happily you don't get homeless at my subdivision bus stop.  We will see; I also plan to do this tomorrow.  

It's $20 for each ride to work and that can add up quick.  I plan to save those rides for late night/Saturday morning/taking a lot of stuff home trips I can't do on the bus.  

I will be working a lot more hours in a few weeks and then I will be able to afford some late night rides home from work.  But for now I plan to be thrifty.  

That's it for now.  I really do have a bad feeling about Baby Girl.  I felt like she just gave up after Torbie died.  

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