Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Disgusting tale you have been warned

 So I rode the bus out to the import grocery which is actually not far from my house, but a minute on the bus.  

I found "my" roasted chickpeas with salt.  I got the Swad brand as they were good last time.  Yum.  I also got some fennel seeds as they are good for indigestion, in a tea.  $3 for a huge, to me, bag was a good deal.  

I paid and left,  Caught the bus to the transit center.  Plan was to stay on the bus and ride it back around to my bus stop.  A man got on wearing a blue shirt.  He appeared to be a light skinned hispanic.  As soon as he sat down he took his mask off and put a big pinch of snuff in his mouth.  Then spitting on the floor all the way home.  

I just wanted to get home, I was gagging something fierce.  So I didn't say anything to the driver.  But the woman across the way was horrified, she didn't say anything either.  I guess we were both concerned a man who would do this was likely unstable and we didn't want to make ourselves targets.  

I said something to him, he denied, in perfect English, doing so.  I told him I was not blind and I had seen him spitting on the floor, that it was "disgusting" and he had better stop or I would say something.  He did not stop, but a couple minutes later, in a "making excuses" tone of voice tried to start a conversation.  I told him "I don't want to hear it".  

I think he had narcissistic personality disorder because he couldn't believe I didn't want to talk to him, he tried again.  "Whatever it is" I said firmly "I don't want to hear it."  And I talk to just about anybody.  

I could have said something to the driver as I was getting off but I knew he would throw the man off the bus and I didn't want him following me home.  

[shudder]  Enjoy your nice clean car today.  😂😂

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