Saturday, April 30, 2022

Saturday morning

 Work was OK.  It was funny coming home, no ride.  I called him about 10 minutes after and he was freaking out, said he had forgotten and would be right over.  So I had to wait another 15 minutes, but he did come and I still got home faster than I would have on the bus.  And one time in a year is not bad.  

Got home, texted my parents, and went to bed.  Slept mostly OK but did wake up once.  Got up, fed the cats, took my pills, had a light snack.  I got the pork stew going I just did salt, pepper, and some tomatoes with peppers.  I thought that would make a good result.  We'll see.  I can't eat garlic as I am allergic and it gives me a headache, but next time I think I will do chili powder, cumin, oregano, and a roasted mild green pepper.  But this should be fine.  Hard to go wrong with "ro-tel".  I got the generic version but it looked good.  

The cats are good, I fed them already and Biscuit is hanging out on the couch.  He's pretty cute.  Spotty hung out with me during my God time and Cleo is around.  

I need to get dressed, that's it for now.  

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