Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Tuesday night

 My poor stomach.  

I should let you know a pet peeve of mine: when someone calls their entire abdomen their "stomach".  Stomach is upper left, under the ribs.  Liver is upper right, intestines are in the middle.  Depending on gender you may or may not have a uterus and some ovaries in there.  It must be very annoying for doctors to deal with a "stomach ache" that turns out to be an ovarian cyst or gallbladder issue.  

The other gripe is calling belly/abdomen "my tummy".  

Anyway the multivitamin with iron was one thing.  Then later on I took the b vitamin, on an empty stomach.  When I got up I had iced tea, also on an empty stomach.  No wonder I am queasy.  

But I have Chinese herbs.  I got out the licorice root slices and rinsed them off because they are packaged with sulfur dioxide.  That can be a migraine trigger so I wanted to rinse them really well.  I always try to keep ginger root in the fridge so I sliced some of that up and threw it in the pot along with the licorice.  A couple cups of water, boil for half an hour, cool and drink, a good stomach and immune system tonic.  

I cleaned out the fridge and took out the last of the trash.  It surprises me every week, I generate so much less now that Ron's gone.  Now some of it was the home care stuff but even when he was pretty spry I just had lots more.  It still takes me aback over a year later.  I could practically put out a 20 gallon can and be done with it, every week.  One bag for kitchen, one for bathroom, done.  

Still pretty depressed but functional at least.  My parents asked me what I had planned for tomorrow and I said I had no idea.  And I really don't.  A lot of it goes to me getting paid and how much that might be.  I have a guess on what I'm getting but who knows?  

Happily I didn't spend much at the grocery store.  The ride cost me almost more than the groceries.  I made a joke some time back on Facebook about needing a "ride Daddy".  Ron was pretty good for that with paratransit.  These days though I have to pay for the ride unless I am with my aunt.  

And between us no one has ever said "I'll run you around on your day off and don't worry about paying me".  I look normal so they forget I have disabilities.  At times I almost envy Ron being so obviously disabled. 

That's it for now.  

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