Sunday, April 24, 2022

Sunday morning

 I actually slept OK last night without waking up.  This has been an interesting depression.  I don't want to do any planning or thinking, which is more unusual for me.  Like my shopping trips this week - ?  No idea what I am doing.  I do know my budget ($100 including transportation), the best I can figure is shop at work today after I get off and take a ride home ($20+) and then go to Food Town on one of my days off ($20 + groceries but I can get a lot there for a very low price, good quality meat too).  Normally I am better about planning everything, inventories, etc.  

The best I've got is "It's taking a lot of time and trouble to cook those lentils, maybe I had better eat more canned beans"  Not to mention the dishes!  And the rice strainer didn't work so I have to get another one.  I ate up the last of the very starchy rice so hopefully my next bag will be better.  I just hate the thought of "saving" a few cents cooking the lentils and then spending a lot more on gas to cook them.  Because what I hear the cost of natural gas is going up.  

I am going to take my shower.   That's done, dressed and ready to go to work.  A 4 hour shift today if everything works out.  Sometimes I have to stay later and that often means missing a bus.  But I am getting paid for it. 

Plan is call my cab driver buddy for a ride home after work.  Oh, I need to put my reusable totes in my bag.  

That's it for now.  

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