Friday, April 15, 2022

Friday morning

 I haven't investigated but my take is Walmart likes "us" to do various things, if one part of the job is slow do something else, etc.  Target wasn't very good at that when I worked there as a cashier.  Anyway I could not do part of my job so I did the rest of it all night.  

Came home.  My friend's wife has cancer but is tolerating the treatment well.  I am happy for them.  Cats were good, not too hungry, so I am going to leave them a small "lunch" every day I work.  I don't want them hungry wondering if I am coming back.  

I had my lentils for lunch and they were good.  I plan to eat more tonight.  Plan is to have my roast beef for breakfast.  I set up my coffee pot to go off automatically so I had a nice hot cup when I got up.  I am not crazy about the taste of coffee but it is a good way to get caffeine into my system without all the additives.  

I got my hand cart.  I overslept today so I will put it together later on.  About the only notable thing it says don't use a knife to open.  So I won't.  I am just a little worried I might have trouble putting it together.  

My aunt and uncle are back home and doing well.  My Dad calls it "The wonderful season of the grandchildren" which makes me feel a little bad I never gave him any.  But I didn't give him any blind, sick, or crazy ones either.  And the Bible says I will have kids in Heaven.  Dad does have 4 grandsons via the steps.  

I just need to take a shower, do my God Time, assemble my lunch and get dressed then I am ready to go.  I am going to leave this open as I get ready.   

Almost done... I remembered I had to put the neckbones in the crock pot.  I put some ice on top to keep it cold and set the timer to start cooking at 1 PM, turn off at 9.  That should be plenty of time.  I have to cook it today.  

I ate a cold pork chop (very good) for breakfast.  I have lentils and roast beef for later.  Not together, 2 different containers.  I also have a variety of work snacks in my bag as well.  

I need to "fix" 2 things at work when I get there one of them being getting a new vest.  I feel a little odd in the old one.  The other one may take some more time we will see.  I'm not going to worry about it now.  

Ugh.  I use various candy mixes.  Pinata surprise has been a mediocre mix at best but this one has been really sticky and disgusting, I take a handful and have to throw half of it out.  I am trying to salvage what I can but it's messy and, to me, disgusting work.  I hope the bags of candy are not too sticky when I hand them out.  

I did all my work errands yesterday so I only need to buy a lemon, or bag of them, before work and stick that in my tote bag.  It looks like rain but I may be able to dodge the worst of it if God wants.  I have my waterproof shoes, umbrella, and rain jacket so not too worried.  

I need 2 managers to help me at work today and I made them a "clean" bag of candy each with no evangelism in it.  I do that work related.  Work is "inclusive" and doesn't want people convicted of sin, I get that and respect it.  I can hide my light while I'm there.  Doesn't mean I don't pray for them, though.  I am not too worried about it, though.  I work enough days coming up (day 2 of 5 days in a row) I will run into someone, sometime.  

I am not worried about getting to work but am curious to see how that works out.  Tomorrow I can take a cab both ways to work (11-7).  I need to figure out the other days.  

Anyway that's it for now.  I'm going to turn off the computer so I may or may not post later.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your light shines at work just in your work ethic and your kindness to others. God will find so many unexpected ways to use you as long as you continue to let Him! Sometimes we reach people through our actions not our words.