Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Tuesday noon

 Somewhat depressed today but I did half the dishes.  I also finished the laundry.  Fixed up the front room, took out the trash, etc.  

I am not sure if I am going to mop the floors today or tomorrow.  And when I am going to do my cooking.  But I can figure that out later as I said earlier.  

The cats are taking turns sleeping in my bed, gives me insight into what happens when I am at work.  Still no rain.  I am reluctant to mop if it is going to rain = muddy paw prints all over my floor.  I may even get a Swiffer now... nah, probably won't.  The cats are Ok with the cleaning solution I use and that's important.  It is almost sunny out....shakes head....I could have relaxed yesterday and done my shopping today.  Overall I would say today has been pretty relaxing.  

Next week I have 2 days off but not together, so  I think I will wait 2 weeks on my next grocery shop.  I should be fine with what I have; I may pick up some canned beans, etc. at work and I can take those home after work.  I just bought 5 pounds of rice so I can mix that with some canned beans for a quick meal if I am not feeling "meaty".  

Some days I am just not in the mood for meat so I will just have lentils and rice or whatever.  Canned beans are great + the rice pot.  Clothes still fit OK so it's working.  And it is pretty fast to fix.  I am thinking to have chili beans with rice and some cheese on top for dinner, and breakfast tomorrow.  

I plan to take a nap today too.  I didn't get one yesterday so that will be nice.  I just ope I don't wake up with a headache, but they are diminishing as I've cut out the aspartame.  I am glad I got "off" it now.  

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