Friday, July 5, 2019

Not quite a rebel yell

Still waiting on the run-down of the one reader's finances.  Since they seem to know so much about ours.  I am done with the personal attacks and backseat drivers. 

I managed to get some sleep, fireworks, went back to sleep.  Ron woke me up shouting in pain "I took my pills too late".  I am going to offer him some Kratom in a minute.  It is horrible listening to him scream. 

I just want to get some rest.  Biscuit got all excited when I got up so I gave him a little bit of food, not too much.  I will be getting him weighed in about a week and the vet is already going to yell at me. 

Off to dose him and hopefully go back to sleep. 


Anonymous said...

I thought biscuit was loosing weight on the new food ?

Heather Knits said...

I'll be honest, he still looks pretty meaty. I suspect he is catching small game to supplement his diet (bugs, lizards, etc.).

Pretty sure I am getting yelled at, by the vet, for all 3 being fat.

Anonymous said...

The reason they are FAT is because of your husbands over feeding them on treats. But you won't stop him even to help the cats. Just pathetic. Not to mention how does a blind and drunk man know which cat is getting which treats? More than likely poor Biscuit is being fed bad treats by a very evil man.

Heather Knits said...

Ugly, ugly.

Ron has sensitive fingers, he can tell the difference in each cat. Torbie, for instance, is not very long, Baby Girl has a very expressive tail, etc. Besides they have positions they assume during treat time, Torbie by the right foot, BG by the left. The cats know he is blind, they will get out of his way, but not mine. :p Biscuit comes along after for his prescription treats. The one time Biscuit accidentally at a standard treat Ron was almost in tears telling me, and it never happened again.

The treats have 100% nutrition in them so the cats are not being deprived. I feed them real food several times a day and they will always eat a little. They prefer several small meals vs a big one.