Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A trip to the vet

I had a nasty headache (still do), you know it is a bad one when the kratom AND the Excedrin do not kill it.  Good luck sleeping tonight. 

I laid down for a little bit and got up, got dressed, got the carriers out.  2 of the cats ran and hid, Biscuit walked inside his.  I would have shut the door but it was an hour until pickup and I wasn't going to do that to him. 

About 10 minutes before pickup, I shook the treats and got the cats loaded.  Baby Girl tried to run, Torbie tried to fight.  Torbie always thinks she is going back to the shelter.  Biscuit was good. 

I finished loading them and looked outside, Chuck was there.  Good timing.  I started bringing them out.  Mama cat was very interested in the proceedings.  I let her and my cats smell each other through the carrier, no hissing or bad language. 

We got to the vet early, as planned.  I did not want to stress the cats and giving them some time works best, they can calm down once they realize they aren't going to be eaten. 

The vet came in and began checking them out.  Baby Girl had mats (I knew that, she is very difficult about letting me trim them) and was shaved, got her shots.  Torbie got her senior exam and has remarkably good teeth.  Torbie lost some weight, Baby Girl gained a pound.  That is probably my fault as I don't portion her food.  Didn't portion it. Biscuit had lost a little weight but not much, Doc advised me to reduce his food intake. 

Overall everyone was healthy.  Torbie got her nails trimmed, didn't like it but was reasonable with the tech holding her down.  Vet said I should check her back nails now and then as they were very thick and could grow into her pads.  I mentioned Torbie is a little stiff but won't do glucosamine. 

Everyone got shots.  Biscuit got off easiest with just the vaccines and exam.  I forgot the stool sample at home so they gave me a kit to do at home.  Fun times.  I mentioned Mama cat and she gave me some suggestions. 

I also bought some 3 month topical flea treatment for the cats, and requested they get the "outside cat" vaccines as they are exposed to other cats. 

All done.  It cost about as much as Biscuit did a few months ago, not cheap.  But I have been saving for months, knowing this had to happen in July.  Chuck got a tasty sum for his troubles, and waiting.  That is one thing with a ride, it is hard, if not impossible, to find someone who will wait. 

I paid up, got my certificates and receipt.  I keep all that.  The tech helped us out to the car.  Chuck drove me home and helped put the cats in the house.  Mama cat again came out to investigate.  She is pretty well parked under that chair on my front porch, now. 

Sadly, she is still pretty skinny even after a week of good feeding.  Makes me realize how bad she was when she first came.  But I would like to think I am a gentle and compassionate person (stop laughing!). 

Ron and I are talking about keeping the mother and getting the kittens adopted through a rescue.  I think they have better odds if they are small. 

The vet said no one wants the adult cats so she is probably better off with us but EPIC fights will ensue. 

I went outside several times today and the mother cat was always there, meowing at me and wanting me to pet her.  She is so skinny I hate to hurt her, but she likes what I do.  Spot even came close enough for a quick pet on his head.  And he let me look at his hind end, he has balls.  I already know Cleo (the calico kitten) is a girl.

It was a good day but I sure wish I could lick this headache.  Maybe it is about to rain, I will look on my cell phone.  Not really. 

I still have some cheesy bread so I will eat that for dinner.  I just hope I can get rid of this headache. 

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

So no treatment for the worms?

Spankadoo said...

I am excited you are adopting the mother kitty , at this point one more is not going to matter but stop before you are truly the crazy cat people someone told me that number is 5 I know I should not be any more excited at this than I would be someone bringing a new baby into a bad marriage. But right now that cat will face death or a warm bed with all the right foods. I think cats are less emotionally fragile than dogs . My dogs were so destroyed by my husbands behavior . They had Stolkholm syndrome I swear.

Anonymous said...

Shame many people will only adopt kittens. They are really pathetic since ALL kittens grow up quickly and turn into cats. Anyone who will only adopt a kitten will more than likely be the type of person to dump them when the kitten gets older. That is also why I don't get rescues because they won't take adult cats but fail to realize all the kittens they high five each other for adopting out a great majority will be dumped later on. People suck.

Heather Knits said...

Yeah, the mother cat would not live long on the street and my vet pretty much swore she would have terrible odds of getting adopted.

Waiting on fecal culture (that's going to be fun for the mail man) to treat.

Heather Knits said...

It's funny because I prefer an older cat. My vet was boggled but it's true. I prefer Baby Girl and Biscuit far more now that they're mature.

Anonymous said...

So no discussion with the vet about worming the cats every 3 - 6 months? I knew you would not take the advice. Now you will have 4 cats. Not true about older cats not being adopted. Many do get adopted. But many don't. I don't think your having 4 cats is a good idea. Why doesn't your jesus help the stray animals instead of letting them starve to death or worse?

Worms said...

You should make sure that mom cat is checked by a vet for feline aids and other diseases that can infect your cats (and your cats can give her the worms they have). Before you bring her inside or even let them sniff and exchange nose fluids because that’s how things are transmitted. Don’t think you want your troop infected with feline aids or other like many strays have.

Anonymous said...

Why would an indoor pet need to be wormed? They gonna get worms from the tile floors? Lol.
Even from the catio it's unlikely they'll get worms.

Anonymous said...

The catio is outside on the grass. The cats catch lizards and what not in it all the time. They eat said lizards, etc and can get worms. Plus mosquitoes can transmit worms to your cat to. Technically her cats would be classified as indoor/outdoor because of said catio. But thanks for playing.

And to worms yes the cat should be vetted before it comes inside. I don't know why the vet did not start the deworming on all 3 cats that day. Why do you need a fecal when Heather already said worms were present in the feces? Not to mention a fecal does not detect all parasites.

Heather Knits said...

I'm not the medical professional, I paid her for that.

I will say the plan is to get mama cat vetted before bringing her in, her abdomen is a little boated and her @sshole looks raw. So probably parasites for everyone. If the checkup goes well then a spay for Mama. There is going to be a lot of upset but hopefully they can all get along. I don't have a problem with 4 but the kittens must be trapped (still have possum trap) and sent to a rescue. They are cute and warming up to people so they should get adopted quick. Most notably they are small and cute, the smaller the better, I think.

I am looking at what is best for the cats, all of them. I can't leave Mama cat out in the gutter... I can't leave anyone unspayed (but the rescue can get the kittens)...per vet adult cats don't do well adopted in Houston, so probably keep her. Ron met her today and loves her.

Anonymous said...

So how will the vet know whose crap is who's since they all use the same box? Did you even tell the vet they are indoor/outdoor cats?

Heather Knits said...

The vet loves the concept of our catio and has said she wishes all cat owners could have one. Apparently, "a" turd works just as well as a defined turd. It is a family turd and that is all that matters. Makes sense to me since they share a box and presumably all parasites. Share several boxes, in fact. The turd gets collected and mailed to the lab (I have already paid for testing). The vet is given the results and presumably I take them all in for worming at that point.

Anonymous said...

Why do you have to take them in for worming? They have the liquid stuff you put on the back of their necks for that. I don't understand why you didn't ask the vet more questions about it.

Heather Knits said...

I was more focused on other issues, Baby Girl's mats, Torbie's claw trim, etc.

Anonymous said...

So parasites and worms are NOT important? Honestly if you can't trim your cats nails and only take them for that once a year you probably shouldn't have cats.

Parasites said...

Honestly the worms should have taken higher priority than those issues.

Heather Knits said...

Stool sample being collected and mailed to the lab - that is the proper approach.

Not this backseat driver bullshit. I saw ONE worm in a turd, it is not a pandemic.

Anonymous said...

Actually YES one worm in a cats stool is a pandemic and is very bad for not only the cats but you and ron. The reason being YOU both can contract worms from the cats. It is ridiculous why this is not being taken care of ASAP and why your vet is just like whatever about the whole thing. I mean WTF? I can't imagine only trimming my cats nails once a year that is just insane. Please tell me they go in more often than that for a trim? At least every month or few months?

And this is not the first time your cat(s) have had issues with worms. It is ongoing and not a one time thing. That is why I suggested you get them wormed at least every few months.

Your vet sucks.

Heather Knits said...

She fixed Biscuit, literally, he was playing that night actually. Then she fixed the bladder stones, did a great operation on Torbie's foot (had a tunor), etc. I like her just fine.

I am cutting back on my cat stool intake so I should be fine...

Torbie gets very stressed getting put into her carrier and going anywhere. She is always convinced she is going back to the shelter. I would NEVER do that to her every month. I only had her nails trimmed this time because she was already there for exam and shots. I am to keep an eye on her back toenails and may have to bring her in as she is getting "old cat nails' which are gnarly and like to grow into the pads. Of course I won't let that happen. But it is extraordinarily stressful for her to go in the carrier. Biscuit and Baby Girl are much more mellow, as they've never been to the shelter. But Torbie has and it was a horrible experience she'd rather not repeat.

This is also why I have arranged for my aunt to rehome my cats, so Torbie does not end up at the shelter if I die.

Anonymous said...

She probably didn’t tell the vet about the worms at all and the stool sample is still in the litter box and not on it’s way to the lab.

Anonymous said...

"I am cutting back on my cat stool intake so I should be fine..." Now you are just being stupid.