Saturday, July 6, 2019

Saturday afternoon

Ron started out in some pain today, I gave him some Kratom, and he hasn't asked for more all day.  He is now sleeping comfortably in bed.

Not a surprise to share I ordered some more, specifically the variety that worked so well.  I have read it is a good idea to mix up the varieties, not to take the same thing every day, so now Ron will have an assortment.

He asks for it, I give it, or I leave him a few capsules in an easy to reach place.  Either way seems to work.  If he gets very drunk I do not give him any, not that he's in any shape to ask.

I am still on the fence about the purple.  It would be fun, I think, wouldn't it?  I would love to have purple hair for a while.

I fed the cats and checked their water bowls, everything is good.  Baby Girl is sleeping in Ron's doorway.  Apparently Baby Girl got Ron and Torbie got me during the allocation.  Biscuit goes wherever he wants.  Currently in the computer room (my) doorway.

I had a good walk, it was hot but not too sweaty.  No one was out because it was hot and sunny so I had the whole neighborhood to myself.  #6 had a pickup truck loaded with plastic tables and chairs in their driveway earlier, I was worried they were having "an event" but they are apparently not.  Someone else is playing music at a pretty good volume but Ron is still asleep so I won't complain.

I checked the mail.  Ron forgot to pay a bill, but will.  I sent him a text message, he will get it when he wakes up.  The text seems to work pretty well as a "note" for him.

I talked to my aunt, she had to go but was interested to hear about the possible purple hair.  I am pretty sure I am going to do it.

I'm working on another load of clothes, after all the laundry I just did... but that is the nature of laundry.

We have to work tomorrow, that's how it goes.  That is the problem with a full time driver, they can only help you on their days off, and they are doing you a favor.  This guy can only do Sundays, and Sunday at Sam's club is a million times worse than the bank on anyday.

It is really horrifically crowded, and I feel as though I've been transported to mexico.  I will need to pack my patience, tomorrow.

I will go easy on the caffeine, that can only help.

Then go to work and stock it all.  We have been gone for a couple days so either 1.  Dead and no stocking needed or 2.  "Blown out" empty vending machines.  Generally either one or the other, we will see.  We have to go in Monday as well, so we can finish up then if needed.

Tuesday I go crosstown to see my doctor, who is NOT on the bus line.

Time to call my parents.  They are at dinner, will call back sometime. 

I did some research; purple sweats off (deal killer) and dyes the bathtub (also deal killer).  So I will keep my money in my pocket. 

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