Tuesday, July 2, 2019

My apology

I am really sorry about that, I accidentally published a private message.  I just can't think after I take my evening pills and I got publish button and delete mixed up.  I am sorry.  I did delete it the second I caught it.  To my credit, I have gotten private messages before and handled them correctly, it was just a case of 'pill fog".  Yet another reason I'm not having kids. 

I slept OK last night but Ron did not.  He got into the vodka the minute he got up.  He wanted me to check the room, it is a mess but not a hazard, and not fresh smelling.  I will hit it with some Febreeze before they come out.  I went ahead and did some now, I will do more later. 

I did a patrol and picked up one objectionable item.  The rest of the room is OK, not great.  I moved something so the tech can walk over to his box. 

Hopefully this will be a pretty quick fix. 

And I need to get to my workout.  It is not going to do itself. 

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