The headache that will not go away. I finally got up around 1 and took 3 grams of Thai Green Vein in orange juice.
1. It did not mix very well.
2. It didn't taste as bad, especially with a caffeine free Diet Coke chaser.
3. It did help the pain. It is still around but I could take out the trash and help Ron. Bend over and feed the cats. Etc.
For those worried about my usage: let's review, two weeks ago had 1 gram for a nasty proto migraine. Nailed it.
Last week, took 1 gram for another headache.
This week, nasty migraine (bad enough I got the bucket out) so far 6 g out of 8 a day. Some people take several grams at a time, several times a day. I am not doing that.
I don't see how I could get "hooked" on anything taking it once a week. I had an addicted parent, and husband. I will be careful. I am only taking this for pain and not for "kicks". Not that it gets me high anyway. It just turns down the volume on headache pain. I am just trying to stay functional, as I told Ron I can only spend so long in bed.
Not up to taking a shower yet but I have pretty good deodorant. [sniff check] Yes, I am OK.
I took care of the cats today, Ron was eating cashews with vodka a while back before he went to bed. I'm just happy he got some healthy calories.
I wish I could figure out the migraine trigger. The only 2 different things I had were Queso chips (generic brand, from Walmart, had those before) and the parfait, which I hadn't had before. I think I will eliminate both for a while.
I had eliminated the herbs I was taking to prevent headaches, clearly I need to add them back. I took a nap for a while. I did notice I went more into the fetal position during this headache, than normal, I guess that was the kratom.
Biscuit ate his dinner too fast and then threw up, I need to re feed him. Did that. I ate a banana, don't know if I shared that.
I did take the migraine prevention herbs, they can't hurt at this point. I also put them in my pills of the week organizer. I figured I would be OK based on my cycle.
I just hate needing to take a lot of pills - if you hadn't got that yet - hate taking huge double handfuls of pills every day. But I get abscesses if I don't take my A and E (vitamins), headaches if I don't take my herbs, iron loss if I don't take my supplement, bleeding if I don't take my Wild Yam, not to mention all my prescriptions needed to be "straight". Most days I am OK with that. Other days, like the day I did up my pills, I think "I don't really need that" and skip it, then end up laid up all day with a migraine.
I have zero appetite so I won't be eating anything, which means no pills tonight. I'll be OK.
Ron told me he has been "eating beef jerky all day" which is a lot better than eating some trash-carbs. I will have to get him more. Adele Davis was right, each bite should build health instead of tearing it down. He said he has us going to work tomorrow - I thought we had it off but I didn't complain. If we're there stocking we make more money to pay sales tax, and we can do an inventory.
Ah, the afternoon! Good, I will have time to sleep in and hopefully get my workout. I might see about getting the jerky delivered.
I will be back.
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