Saturday, July 13, 2019

Back to Jack

I had trouble sleeping last night, Kratom does that to me.  But Benadryl can keep me up so I don't blame the herb.  Today I took Excedrin for my afternoon headache and did not get as good relief as I did yesterday, with the Kratom. 

It's a trade off, pain or sleep, apparently. 

Once I did sleep I slept pretty well.  I got up and got ready for work, helped Ron.  I may need to do some laundry because I have some Ron clothes. 

We went to the warehouse, nice driver.  Lately Ron looks precarious "transferring" in and out of vehicles but has only fallen the one time. 

And he got right back up after that. 

I left him up front.  Yesterday, at the bank, I tried to give him the money for today's "shop".  He said no, keep it, too depressing to get a big chunk of money and then have to give it up.  Today I made sure he knew I was kidding, I told him so "I'm going to tease you, OK?"  He said OK. 

"I'm ready for you to give me the money"  He laughed pretty hard at that. 

Then I went to do the shopping.  I got 2 types of protein shakes for myself (paid for with my cash), and the supplies for work: but they were completely out of water.  From what the employees said the customers cleared out their water stock this work, and then all the replacements got diverted to hurricane area. 

But other than that they had everything, I spent a little under $400, leaving money for Jack and even $60 for Ron to put back in his pocket. 

Jack came on time, we went to work, it wasn't too hard unloading as I didn't have a lot of snacks.  They have been very slow. 

We stocked what we could, I put drinks in the fridge, etc.  We did what we could and then left. 

Ron jammed the coin sorter right before we left, I will have to get it Monday.  I unplugged it so I can take it off to a table, open it, and extract the stuck coin.  I have done it a few times.  I may wait on taking my antidepressant Monday so I will be sharp to work on it. 

We left, I managed to bring my 2 cases of protein powder with us.  For some reason, they hired a team of illegals to mow the yard at work.  One of their workers was lying down in a secure area.  All the maintenance people - maybe it is in the contract they don't do yardwork, but I have seen maintenance guys doing the yard work, so I don't know.  It just seemed off, and then they blocked access to visitor parking with their "yard guy" truck and trailer, our driver to go home had a hell of a time getting us. 

We had a straight ride home, though, so that was awesome.  Ron was pretty frazzled from work. 

I saw Mama cat on the front porch when we got home, she made a point of coming out from under the chair and showing herself to me.  I got Ron inside and settled, fed my enormous Biscuit another meal, and took some kitten food out to her. 

Them, as it turned out, she had Spot with her.  They loved the kitten food (Meow Mix kitten) and ate it while I watched.  I did not approach them.  I am letting them get used to me, and seeing me as a good person who provides the necessities in life.  Their water bowl looked good, too. 

I went back in the house, Baby Girl got up in the window and watched them.  At one point Spot was sleeping by the window, under the porch chair.  I am glad he (?) felt safe enough to do that. 

I took a nap.  I am not sure what Ron did but I am sure it involved spilling vodka in the kitchen, it is horribly sticky.  I am going to make him clean it up. 

Torbie and Biscuit slept with me during my nap, which would have been perfect if I hadn't woken up with a headache.  I decided to take some Excedrin today. 

I found the mess in the kitchen.  Ron woke up, was cold, and asked for a blanket, which I gave him.  I need to sniff test the blanket and make sure it is clean because I don't recall the last time I washed it. 

I have delivery coming in about half an hour.  I found a thread on next door.  It sounded innocent enough "My son's dog died, we need another one". 

Everyone was suggesting rescues until a woman came in and said "Wait a minute, that is the dog I GAVE YOU, DIED?   What did you do to it!"  "Oh, it was sick when you gave it to me" back and forth. 

I said it could have been a ploy to get bait dogs for a fighting ring, get a "free" dog, use it for bait, and then "Oh, my dog died, I need another one" when it dies.  Either that or someone was too cheap to take it to the vet, get it vaccinated, treatment, etc.  "Because 'free" animals aren't cheap". 

The woman who made the original post is now upset at me.  She said she already got another dog.  I said I hoped she could keep this one alive - because it takes work to keep an animal alive (I did not say the last).  I also added it was still a good example of why you don't give dogs to people on the internet. 

If she was really given a sick dog then that's why you should "shop" at a rescue, where the animals are vetted and they only offer the healthy ones for adoption.  Torbie came in fantastic health save a small growth on her foot I later had removed.  I have never heard of a shelter animal getting sick and dying soon after adoption.  And that is why they tell you to take the animal, however you get it, to the vet soon after you get it, to make sure it is healthy.  Make sure whoever had it gave it the proper shots. 

Here is a side note: do you know how many drivers I have who believe a cat can give a dog Parvo?  Many.  So they hate cats, thinking cats are spreading this dog-only disease.  One that is prevented with proper vaccines. 

I really liked the shelter in CA, when I got Mr Gray.  He was a strange cat, I will do a blog just for him one day.  Anyway, they asked me how much I thought I would spend on him, a year.  I wrote down X amount for food/toys and X amount for vets every year, and as it turned out I was about right.  They said not many people correctly guessed that pets cost, at minimum, hundreds of dollars a year.  Last time I took my 3 in for shots and exams it cost over $400, so I saved accordingly this year.  You have to budget for pet expenses. 

If you can't budget for that, and have, at minimum, $1000 on hand for unexpected pet problems then you shouldn't have a pet.  But people don't.  Then the animal gets sick and they either let it die at home (pretty sure this is what happened) or they tell the vet to put it down. 

They were thrilled at Doc's office when I did everything for Biscuit.  He is worth it, and, like I said, we had the money set aside.  We still need to repay that. 

But you make time and save money for things that are important, "Dog gets sick?  Let it die, we will get another off the internet".  The problem with internet pets is there's no tracking - no "They killed 5 dogs this year, maybe we had better investigate". 

Anyway, she wrote a couple of replies to what I said but I honestly don't care what she thinks/says, she is a negligent owner at best.  I hope no one else gives her a dog now, and, like I said, I hope she can keep this one alive.  It deserves a dedicated owner. 

My Walmart order came, mainly treats and powerade.   I love Powerade vs Gatorade because the Powerade has a much stronger, better, flavor.  Gatorade tastes like a drink that was good at first but then all the ice melted and diluted it.  I am a Powerade girl.  The Powerade Zero is really good. 

I like that for my workout and days out on the bus.  Which I may do tomorrow, my salt tablets are in and I need to pick them up.  I really don't want to do a paratransit trip.  Not that I could, now.  It is after 5 and too late to make trips. 

I noticed the wind was up when I went outside to get my delivery (I never make them come up to the door and knock).  I am sure that is the edge of the storm.  I will keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't shift. 

I got a few salty snacks and some drinks for me, the Powerade (lots), some soda, some drink mix.  I got some yogurt and some Queso chips.  I am craving salt right now but not hungry so I took a salt tablet.  Doc was pretty clear I need a LOT of salt in my diet, which is fine. 

All the best snacks are salty in nature.  :p 

I am set now for hurricane season, I have a couple of bags of chips.  I didn't work out today which I would have liked, but it is late now and I can do it tomorrow.  I did get my minimum of 150 minutes, barely, so I am fine. 

I plan to go to Walmart tomorrow, we will see how that goes.  I need to figure out dinner tonight, though.  I am thinking about cheesy bread from Dominos.  Of course this is their peak rush time but it sounds good. 

I don't need to make a deposit (most of what I could spare went toward the cats' fund) and I have a little in my account for Amazon Prime day.  I am thinking about maybe getting a new Kindle.  Mine is fine, it is a generation 5 and about 10 years old.  But the new ones have lights in them, which would be nice.  I may get one if it's a really good deal.  I already got my little battery operated radio so I don't need that. 

I am hoping to find a backpack at Walmart.  That would be great.  I don't have a backpack for every day.  I have one for disaster kit - mainly copies of important paperwork.  I have a travel backpack with toiletries in it.  But I would like an every day backpack so I don't have to take everything out of the other ones when I want to go out on the bus.  Just something that can hold a powerade, some batteries, and an mp3 player.  Something that can hold a few, small, purchases. 

We will see what I find.  The fourth is over, so they should be shifting into back to school mode.  I will keep my eyes peeled. 

That's it for now. 

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