Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Why is the migraine always on my day off?

I had some fun last night with Amazon prime.  I am a member, and, like I said, I put some money in my debit account for just such an occasion.  It dawned on me I should check and see if they had a special on kettlebells.  I bought my 30# from them for about $42 and I was curious to see if they had a deal on a 35#.  They did.  It was $25, I got that.  I looked for a five pound.  I was raised by a man, that is an important thing to remember as you read about my life, formative years were spent with a man guiding me. 

I have a 5 pound kettlebell, it is a purse style.  Not only that, it is a sickening shade of pink.  I am not a pink woman.  You will not find pink in my closet unless I bought an assorted pack of underwear. 

So I looked and found a red and black kettlebell, $5 off (this one) and attractive working appearance.  I started thinking how my grip got slippery yesterday during my swings and I almost swung a 30# kettebell right through the garage wall!  So I looked, and got some chalk as well.  Total on everything was $50.  I spent about as much on me as I did on Ron (his fridge) and Amazon got $100.  My mail lady is going to HATE me because this is all due on Friday.  Then I went to bed. 

Woke up with a nasty migraine.  No workout.  No shower even.  I did go outside, feed the cats (fed the cats inside of course) and did a little petting even though it really sucks to bend down.  I went back in the house.  Ron was up.  I got him dressed in a pair of shorts and took him outside to meet the family ("Wait, let me get my treats!")

It went well, Mama cat figured anyone with me must be cool and wasn't scared of the wheelchair.  She got under it and rolled around (I had him parked).  She made a good impression on Ron.  Spot liked Ron and got closer to Ron than he has to me.  Even Cleo came out and roamed around at a distance.  And when the kittens found the open garage they went in and had a lot of fun playing.  Mama cat focused on Ron, getting petting and meowing at him. 

Ron was sold (he is not a hardass when it comes to cats).  In fact, Ron wanted to keep all of them.  I put my foot down on that and said no, only the mother, she doesn't have good odds of adoption and, in my opinion, has earned a place with us by being such a good mother to her 2.  She even nursed Spot in front of us even though her teats look pretty dried up.  It went very well (I still had my migraine but it was overcast, so did not have the major suck of the sun shining at me).  I took Ron back in the house. 

He was pretty drunk during all of this but very concerned the kittens were out of the garage, he didn't want them to get trapped without food and water.  I assured him they were running around in the lawn and we put the door down.  I venture to say it will only be a few days before the cats associate the door with our appearance. 

We talked a little, the plan is to take Mama to our local vet, have her do the screenings.  If she passes (I think the cat has a parasite, too, but other than that seems very healthy), have the vet spay her (not that day), shots, etc.  Then the exciting part of adding her to the family. 

Also need to trap and send the kittens to rescue.  It is funny, most people would keep the kittens and send off the mother.  Oh, my head sucks.  Even the Kratom can't help. 

After we finished talking I helped Ron to bed.  He almost fell on the floor and I had to whisk him from sliding, up into the bed and OH IT SUCKED.  But I did not want him on the floor. 

He did understand = headache and he was pretty quiet.  Biscuit came and laid down with me.  Doc (our vet) was very interested to hear he has become much more cuddly since his illness.  Biscuit laid down with me, purring, gave me a nice abdominal massage, laid on my leg.  I got a little rest but then he left me :(  .  I missed him. 

I got up around 2 and got a Powerade.  I normally save them for workouts but figured a migraine counted as a "need".  I just felt totally dried out and I kept peeing, I needed to replace it. I guess I am fasting today.  I know some people who would be thrilled to hear I'm going to go a long time without eating. 

I drank the Powerade.  Biscuit came back (he was in the catio), and I gave him some petting.  He is a good boy.  Ron got up, he was convinced we had to go to work and very embarrassed when he figured it out.

I do wonder about brain issues with him.  However, I am in severe pain and life sucks too much to wonder about it. 

He went and drank some more, after making trips for tomorrow.  Me: don't talk about food!  He's going to save a lot of money on me this week, we haven't gone out once. 

I was worried about him getting back to bed, but he at least got into his room OK.  But I found him sitting on the floor.  He seems fine so I will leave him.  I will help him if he asks but not otherwise.  I already helped him once today, with a migraine, that is plenty. 

Oh, I'm so glad I don't have food in the crock pot.  The smell of food would be beyond revolting.  So glad I never had kids who would need feeding every day.  Ron keeps bugging me, he doesn't have the wits to process it is painful for me every time I get up.  Important statements like "I heard thunder" and "Is the garage door shut?" 

Oh, I just feel horrible.  I am so glad I never passed this on.  I used to think, before the accident, it would be cool to do embryo adoption.  I would get someone else's embryo implanted, would carry the pregnancy and give birth as if it were my biological child.  In a real sense, it would be, but would have NONE of the bad DNA of mental illness, migraines, etc.  Of course 1.  I couldn't afford it.  2.  I have mental illness issues and no one wants to give their baby to a crazy person,  3.  I am not in a stable relationship and 4.  Pretty sure I am too old now. 

But it would have been cool, if some things had been different.  I'm going to go watch some TV for a while and hope that will help.

Ron called me for help getting into bed but was unable to assist me getting him into bed.  I cannot manipulate a 150# drunken, dead weight that is fighting me.  No one can.  He has to sober up before he can be helped.  He has to understand he has to put his feet under them.  He has to stop mid-motion falling over and snoring. 

I can only do so much.   


Spankadoo said...

I agree only the mother you are smart to have limits. I Have a feeling the cats will do fine after some fussing they may even adore her she seems to give off very loving vibes
Spot would be mine if I lived closer I would adopt him . I can not have two cats just one cat and one dog and not this year (I KNOw i keep putting it off but you know i had to leave everything and I want to be absolutely sure my life is secure enough to bring Friend in . I am not one for kittens or puppies to be honest I am like you I have always adopted older animals for so many reasons but one is practical I want to know what I am getting health wise you can fall in love with a cute pup or kitten and in a year all kinds of health problems show up it is so sad to me to not have healthy animals .If I adopt a 2 year old or older they are what they are going to be for the most part you know the dog or cat you are getting personality and health . And I like the personality being past the terrible teens with all the chewing and scratching and whatever little ones do ...I have had two puppies in my life both were a handful!

Heather Knits said...

You never know, though. I got Torbie as an old cat and she has done great, even her teeth look fantastic. I got Gravy as a kitten and lost him before age 2. Biscuit developed a serious health condition before age 5. It just depends on the animal.

If you fall for an older one I say go for it, even if you don't get as long it will be high-quality time.

Anonymous said...

You probably get more migraines on your day off because of your husband.

Heather Knits said...

Well, in this case it was my love of the queso chip. Which I will never eat again. I have a pretty long "no" list these days (migraine triggers). Sometimes I don't want to believe something is a trigger and I have to keep running into migraines a few times before I accept the inevitable.