Thursday, July 25, 2019

Finally called on the bank

I woke up with a migraine.  I have had insane quantities of Mountain Dew and Excedrin.  Even Kratom.  The Mountain Dew seems to be doing the most right now. 

We had to go to the bank, we need money for supplies this weekend.  Ron also decided he wanted me to buy him another version of his phone so he has to put money in my account for that.  I took some Kratom, Excedrin, and Mountain Dew.  I was functional but it wasn't pretty. 

I told Ron I was so happy I had ordered "magic glasses" (transitions) when I put in my order because a "magic" (darkens in bright light) tint sounded lovely right about then.  He was happy he could help (He managed transport to/from so I didn't have to pay on my own). 

I saw Mama and Spot this morning, fed them, petted Spot, he let me lift him up an inch or two as I petted him (websites said to do this).  Then I took the food in the house and put it away. 

Our ride arrived and I got Ron in the back passenger seat, "his" spot.  The driver was happy he did not have to secure Ron in his wheelchair, in the back.  But he did take the wheelchair and shove it against the house (I was standing nearby), get in the cab, and turn it on.  I yelled "What are you doing?" and he said he had to move the cab so he could load the chair.  I said no one else had any problems and he could, if he wanted and we had a straight trip, just fold the chair and put it in the backseat next to Ron.  That is done more than paratransit would like.  But overall very safe. 

He considered it but he didn't know us, we might call in a report.  I thought he was going to drive off with Ron and no wheelchair, and if you have EVER seen Ron without his wheelchair you know he absolutely needs one.  The driver got out, put up the chair - THEN I got in my seat - and we went to the bank. 

The door was still broken.  A nice asian guy with a backpack let us in, and a large black lady let us out.  Thank you very much.  We did what we had come to do and then I gave Ron the ADA number.  See, I said I would call if the bank continued to jerk us around.  Someone shot out their windows a while back, they had it repaired in a few hours.  They could fix the door, just don't want to. 

Ron called and went through some menus only to be told they opened late on Thursdays and to call back after 12.  We had a laugh over that, but I will have him call back. 

I did not feel up to anything except going home and crawling into bed.  So Ron cancelled the meal trip later (going out to eat) and I absolutely did not want a drive through.  He asked how I would feel about them running and getting him some vodka.  I said something along the lines of "I'm going to feel lousy where ever I go, it doesn't matter" and it didn't.  It was a long ride to the liquor store from the bank but good money for the driver.  We talked a little about the cats. 

We went home and the driver put the vodka in the garage.  The cats came out after he left and Mama came over to Ron, meowing.  He pet her for a while and she kept lying down, getting up, nudging his hand, meowing some more, etc.  Spot and Cleo watched from a distance.  He said she felt thin and I said this is after a week of solid feeding.  Poor babies. 

We went in the house (very BRIGHT out there) and I laid down. Whatever Ron did he was quiet.  He did encourage me to take more Kratom which helped me rest a little but didn't do a tremendous amount for the pain.  It works far better for Ron. 

I can't recall ever finding something great for my pain.  One time, in desperation, an Emergency Room gave me a huge shot of Demerol.  I don't remember much of the next couple days but I got home OK on the airplane. 

I am a little better but not great.  Ron wants to buy a new version of his cell phone so we will be getting the deposit tomorrow and then I can buy it when I get home.  He will also take me to Walmart so I can get some more Mountain Dew, etc. He warned me repeatedly he is not doing a long trip but that is fine. 

He offered to take me today in the cab (before we bought the vodka) and I shuddered and said no thanks.  That would have been horrible. 

Ugh. I'll be glad when I feel better. 


Anonymous said...

Where is Cleo? I hope you can contact a rescue to get these babies off the street. It is dangerous out there for all three of them. I really do hope Ron calls back and makes the complaint. You should have done it months ago. I hope those Mother-Fers get a really big fine for the door being broke too. A-holes. Even after a man cuts himself on the damn door they refuse to fix it.

Heather Knits said...

Spot is eating dry kitten food by my feet as I pet him (so is Mom). Cleo must be nursing because Mom still has teats and Cleo has proven pretty shy. She comes near me as I am feeding, waiting for me to leave the bowl behind. I have not for a few days in hopes of getting her to approach and get loved on/trained for home life. She is proving stubborn though.

I am with you on the bank, they have had a total f*ck you attitude towards the whole thing. I reminds me of when they 'ran out of" coin deposit bags for months and no one could deposit change to their account. Again, complaints, and not even excuses, just "We'll get them when we get them". Same with the door.

Clearly NOT into serving the customer, just their own needs first and getting their account fee every month. If they weren't the only ones competent to do the transaction I would say screw you back and encourage Ron to switch to my bank.

Anonymous said...

I hope Cleo is OK I am worried about her. Especially since she still won't approach you. Maybe tomorrow at walmart you could buy a can of sardines (the ones in olive oil) and see if that doesn't lure her over. I know my cats go crazy for them.

What happened with the ADA complaint about the bank?

Heather Knits said...

Ron needs to call them back. Cleo has pretty relaxed body language around me, legs tucked up underneath, sitting down, etc. Just not in reach. We are in a stubborn battle, who is more stubborn. I do believe she is still nursing as Mama still has teats.

I will have Ron call about the bank again, after we run to Walmart this morning.