Sunday, July 28, 2019

The rest of Sunday

I took a nap.  Ron woke me up at 2.  I wasn't happy.  He said he had forgotten he made a trip to the BBQ buffet place, and we had 10 minutes.  Ever tried to dress yourself and him, then find his missing sandal? 

Did it. 

I put out the bowl of kitten food because the outside cats were hungry again and I didn't have time to "visit" as they ate. 

Got on the van, another client aboard.  She seemed rather sullen.  She began having hysterics as we left the subdivision, screaming she smelled gas.  I got a whiff and then it dissipated.  The other client (and Ron, who also got a passing whiff) became so agitated the driver pulled over at a gas station near my home (the overpriced one, not the one I walk to).  The other client called a complaint, extremely agitated even though I only smelled gas for a second. 

The driver, who had been driving since 5 AM, called in a report on it.  They told her to turn off the van and open all the windows.  She did that.  They were going to send us another van.  I went to the gas station and bought a soda and some lovely rose scented incense, which I am currently burning. 

I was disgusted.  The smell was not that bad but everyone around me, pardon the pun, was having vapors over it. 

So we waited.  And waited some more.  Ron drank most of his full sugar soda, destroying his appetite for dinner. 

They finally sent the other van.  The other client shoved in front of me as I got off, hobbling down the stairs and then inching across the parking lot.  I went around her and got on where I had been sitting before. 

They had to move Ron back to his wheelchair, lower it, put him on the next lift, raise it, move him to a seat, etc.  Ridiculous. 

We dropped the other client off at her apartments.  I imagine they weren't cheap but they had very creepy stairwells that looked like a GREAT place to get raped and murdered.  You couldn't pay me to live there. 

Once we got rid of her we went to the restaurant.  Ron had no appetite, ate literally 3 shrimp and 2 pineapple chunks.  That was it.  No wonder he is anemic. 

I had some fried catfish, ham, and hard boiled eggs with ranch for my protein.  I had a little mac and cheese but it wasn't great.  I ordered a steak, they have a nice 4 or so ounce portion, mine was done very well. 

It is a family buffet restaurant, so of course they had the obligatory whiny/screaming brats.  I understand a hungry baby is going to scream until fed.  Hell, even my cats do that.  But just letting your kid scream 'MOMMY!  MOMMY LOOK!  MOMMY THIS, MOMMY THAT!" every 5 seconds without correcting them and telling them "Grownups are talking" - I could hear that kid across the restaurant.  And then the unsupervised roaming baby, he was about a year old and no one was watching him.  He almost went in the kitchen, twice.  Then we had the nutrition award dinner, a mother got a plate of white rice and a couple of berries for her toddler.  And that is dinner?  I don't even feed Ron like that, I make him eat some protein.  But Ron fit right in eating with his fingers and his hair unbrushed. 

We also had the "buffet cruisers" very obese people who looked intent as they sailed in on the buffet line.  We had several of them.  I teased Ron and told him he was going to make up for the food cost they incurred, as he had eaten "Maybe 25 cents worth of food"

We had to change our ride home, we had gotten there so late.  But that was done pretty easily and we had a straight ride home with a nice driver.  He asked a lot about owning a cat and loved Mama cat when we got home, she walked right over to him, meowing, and he pet her, she was charming.  I noted they had eaten every speck of food I'd left out for them, then I took Ron inside. 

Ron had asked about last night, I told him the truth: you kept me up.  You fell because you didn't want my help, so I left you on the floor.  You were verbally abusive.  There is no such thing as a "quiet blackout". 

I didn't flog him but I didn't fudge the truth, either.  I told him it was unacceptable.  As a result of all that, staying up all night, falling, etc. he had trouble moving from wheelchair to seat.  I was rather concerned about getting him back into bed but he made that move pretty easily.  I left him to it. 

Biscuit and the other inside cats were hungry, so I fed them.  After I put up their food I got a can of "mixed grill" and a foam plate, went outside.  Spot let me pet him and they both clamored for the food.  They know wet food now, what it looks like and what the can means to them. 

I put it down and boy they went after it.  I am thinking I might feed everyone wet food as an introduction when I let the new ones in the house.  If everyone is eating wet food they won't have time to fight.  BUT, Biscuit can't eat traditional wet food.  He can only eat his special, expensive, wet food which can only be purchased online.  So I may need to order a case and THEN let them meet once I have it for Biscuit.  I would hate to get him sick. 

Torbie and Biscuit watched me feeding and petting the outside cats.  Torbie seemed rather pissed but I can't let them starve! 

I petted Mama and Spot for a while and then went back inside.  We have to get up pretty early but it is just work tomorrow. 

Ron had me get him a new phone, just in time as his old phone is about dead. 

I checked Facebook.  I will welcome input on the following:
I am not close to the "steps".  My Dad married their mother when the girl was 10, the boy 8, and my primary abuser 2.  I was 5.  The oldest two and I never bonded. 

I was actually fairly close to my primary abuser, looked out for him, used to cook him meals when my parents were out running errands, etc, play together growing up, but once he hit puberty he went insane.  "Not safe" is a good term, so I backed WAAAY off. 

The older 2 and I have never been close as adults.  We last met on the family reunion cruise about 10 years ago.  They all said they loved Ron and were nice enough. 

I am not sure how I feel about the fact that both of them came to Houston, drove literally right by my house on their way to Galveston to take a cruise together. 

How did I find out?  Facebook, when they are on the ship. 

I guess that's where we are.  I am OK with that. 

My Dad called, we had a good talk.  I am getting better at just listening.  He is happy I am doing OK.  He even asked about the cats and he hates cats.  Interesting that a guy like him raised someone like me. 

Ron is asleep - he sure wasn't last night.  Here's to hoping I can sleep tonight, I had a lot of caffeine and had to take some Excedrin as well. 

But I didn't get much sleep last night, either, so odds are pretty good I do sleep OK tonight. 


Anonymous said...

I'm not close to any of my 3 siblings and they are all bio.
Two of them are just not nice to me.
I know I'm not supposed to hate and I don't but I don't have a relationship with them, but would help if they needed it.

Anonymous said...

Your not close with them and don't even really like them so who cares if they were in your neck of the woods and didn't call about stopping in for a visit? I think I read where you mentioned they were drunken idiots like Ron so it is better they did not visit. It is par for the course though and I could see your dad and step mom doing the same thing.

Now for the cats you had someone very interested in one of the cats and you didn't even talk to them more about a possible adoption? Doesn't really seem like you want to find all 3 cats homes. Plus you can't even take care of your current cats because the worms issue still has not been addressed by you.

And onto the bank you still have not followed up and made the actual complaint phone call. How much more time will pass before you do this?

Heather Knits said...

The step siblings took Ron out drinking, they were all drinking like fish (including my parents) the whole reunion. The small kids and I were the only sober ones. Pretty sad statement.

The driver mentioned he had a very large, territorial, aggressive, pit bull. Mama cat would have been lunch! But I did tell him about the county shelter (they really do a good job considering what they are given).

I took the stool sample, I mailed it - that is all I can do about any possible parasites. If the vet says they need treatment I will load them up, call Arturo, and take them in to be treated. Torbie is not very nice about being medicated so I would leave her to a professional.

Ron had a bad day for pain so was not interested. More on that later.

Heather Knits said...

The nice thing about my life - totally selfish here - I have the hardest-luck story and the worst disabilities of anyone in the family. I am the farthest up shit creek. SO no one is going to ask me for anything.

I have 2 disabilities just on my own, then caring for the train wreck, while still working and living on my own -AFTER the entire family was told I had brain damage and too f*cked up to live on my own?

They are thanking God every day their phone doesn't ring with me asking for help.

I wasn't really hurt they shunned me, just surprised. I would think they would have at least sent me a FB message "Passing through Houston, so sorry we won't have time to visit". I remember after my Dad had major surgery several years ago my stepmother texted HER daughter Dad was OK, but left his sister and I hanging for several hours. My aunt finally contacted the daughter who said Dad was fine. They were all "very sorry" about it.

I found it odd because the first thing I did after Ron's operations was call everyone interested and let them know he was fine.

But who has a textbook family? At least they are not in my business telling me what to do and lecturing Ron about his drinking (like my half sister would).

Heidi (the hell with it) LOL! said...

I think you are a LOT less crazy than your situation makes you Heather you know that OOOXXX with the removal of the massive stressors in your life a good job , a place for you and your cats? Hello I bet you anything your mental health (after a good period of healing from your life’s trauma, a good DA advocate can help you get therapy like I had but it is totally different from what you described this is a work book and to me was like body building only it helped me unload my trauma damage with brain exercises, I had CPT therapy and it worked !)
You would still have your diagnosis but the amount of meds, headaches and symptoms of crazy are far less when you do not have to live in situation of domestic abuse.

You are being abused by your husband as you have stated and no one can be healthy with that .

RE the worms Anonymous honey get off her back she has said about 6 times that she mailed the samples in she is very good with her animals and should not be slammed like this so please stop it . Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The worms are disgusting and a health issue for the cats and the humans in the household. The vet is ridiculous and not very good. But this is Heather's life always at the mercy of others and never being proactive.