Friday, July 26, 2019

They weren't kidding about the baby food

So Ron and I went outside a little early, he had some treats.  Mama cat likes him and came right over, meowing in her raspy fashion.  She rubbed against Ron's leg as he squealed with pleasure, petted her, lots of treats. 

Cleo came out and watched Ron treating her mother.  She looked interested but huddled on a paving stone several feet away.  Ron gave me some treats, I walked over, she fled.  I put the treats down on her stone, and walked back to Ron.  She came out and sampled a treat, her eyes got bigger, and she devoured it eagerly, sitting down as she worked on the other treats.  When I went to give her more treats (she kept hiding when I walked over, but hid closer and closer to me), her mother ran over and ate them! 

Mama has been such a good MOM I had her up for sainthood, but not when it comes to treats!  She will steal them from the babies if we give her a chance!  I thought that was funny. 

So we gave them a lot of treats while we waited.  They are going to love Ron. 

Our ride came and we had a ride to Walmart.  There was police action some miles away, not on the way at all, and our driver was a nosy one who drove out of the way, over there, to 'see for herself".  One driver had said police were searching her vehicle, why would you willingly drive into that?  Especially since it isn't on the way?

I didn't complain because Ron was worried he would "spend too long" at the store.  He was mainly sending me to make the deposit, so I could buy him a new LG 450 flip phone. 

It wasn't cheap, either. 

But I love my phone and will pay whatever it takes to get the same thing (next generation) when it is time.  I can understand brand loyalty. 

And now he has a $50 credit in my account we can use toward kratom or something.  I did find it funny.  I was telling him about Earth Kratom's "Train wreck" pain blend and he got VERY offended at the concept.  I did not tell him I usually refer to him as a trainwreck when I'm talking about him online.  He is!  What else am I going to call him?  I thought it might be a good thing for him to try, even though the Kingdom Kratom works great.  But he was so offended at the term he shut it down.  So we'll see, I guess.  We still have "plenty". 

I made my deposit (a little of my money too), and started cruising the store.  I desperately wanted some Blue Bell Banana pudding ice cream.  They did not have that, all their ice cream had almonds or chocolate (can't do either).  So I felt very disappointed. 

I know, I'll go get some diet Mountain Dew, that always cheers me up.  OUT.  Well, shit, do they have anything? 

I did find myself on the baby food aisle as I was cutting through the infants department.  I remember seeing a video with kitten lady where she said to use baby food (meat flavor) for the kittens, they love it.  So I got a can of beef, it cost a dollar for a tiny jar.  What are they putting in it?  I bought more dry kitten food, etc. 

I paid and went over to Ron, who suddenly decided he wanted to go to the cell phone department and "see if they had any talking phones".  I wasn't happy about it but I dragged him over there.  He spoke to someone who may have told him the only flip phones they had were garbage and not worth buying.  But they might get in trouble if I related that so I'll just say that might have happened.  "Go to your cell phone store" we were told.  "They ought to have something". 

So then I had to drag Ron back to where we were waiting.  He asked me to buy our driver a hamburger so I did that, I felt hungry enough to buy a small one for myself.  I ate that while we waited. 

Our driver came, and made us move from the loading zone.  Apparently one of the drivers blocked the front door, loading a client, and "got into it' with other customers and a security guard, so now the security guards only want them to load in the "no loading" zone.  Stupid. 

I got the front seat so I was happy.  We picked up a blind man at a barber shop.  I guess he wanted to look "fly".  They talked about the police action again, I don't know what happened, and I don't care.  It is not in my area.  The bad guy will be caught sooner or later. 

I called the vet and made an appointment for Mama's checkup on Tuesday.  Every Tuesday this month has been medical for me in one sense or another, but I need to get her checked out so I can let her in the house and get her spayed. 

We went home, Mama cat was there, along with a very eager Spot and Cleo.  I got Ron in the house and put my stuff away, got out the can of baby food and a bowl of kitten food, and went out front.  Spotty greeted me with lots of meowing, and came right over when he smelled the food.  He was a little scared of the baby food at first until I accidentally got some on his nose.  He licked it off and really enjoyed it.  His mother had been licking baby food out of the jar, but he shoved her aside and stuck his whole head in the jar, eating so much I worried he'd get sick. 

I hadn't seen Spot this morning so I was happy to feed him.  Cleo hid under my chair, she is working on her confidence.  Worst case I will trap her, get her fixed, and keep her outside.  Some ferals just can't... and others like Spotty can.  He lets me pick him up for a second, pet him all over, etc. little tail stiff in the air, happy as he eats or whatever.  But I think Cleo had a bad experience that put her off people.  Not her fault.  I will keep working with her. 

It should be pretty easy to catch Mama cat on Tuesday.  The office gal at the vet thought the name was cute.  Get her tested, shots, exam.  Figure out how old she is and when we can spay.  She is fattening up nicely but still what I would consider "thin" (probably more average weight).  Ron gave me $200 towards her visit so he is committed. 

It will be interesting because I was just there, but I am sure doc and company appreciate the money! 

I came back inside and took a nap.  Biscuit and Torbie joined me, they are my bed buddies.  I slept OK but woke up with a headache, I am hoping the last of the Diet Mountain Dews will help with that.  I am on my second.  I really want to do my kettle bells today and not tomorrow morning.  It will be hot but I will have a good workout, and I have chalk for my hands.  The bag of chalk has been very helpful, I just grasp it in both hands and ready to work.  I like simplicity. 

So the hope is, after drinking this last soda, I will be able to do the workout.  If I can't, I can't.  I think my hormones are scrambled - my cycle is late - fertility is about done - but the transition is never easy from what I hear.  My birth mother kept having cycles well into her 50's, other female relatives opted for hysterectomies (they would probably say they were not elective!) so I don't have a clear blueprint on what I can probably expect. 

For now it has been nasty hormonal headaches around when my cycle is due, but the cycle has always been consistent.  Not this week.  If I'm done, I'm done, I'm fine with that.  I am the proud mother of one semi feral, and one feral, kitten.  I embrace my status as a crazy cat lady. 

I really don't care about "my fertility" - I had a 30 year window to get pregnant if that's what I wanted.   I didn't. 

I just hope I have an easy transition when it comes. 

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