Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Most of Wednesday

I slept about 4 hours last night, Ron did not sleep at all.  He couldn't get his cable box to work, either. 

I helped him fix it (trouble shoot, it wasn't getting power) when I got up, then shower and the first of many caffeine drinks.  Got him dressed, etc. 

He doesn't need help with much but always the t-shirt.  He is a medium but I buy him large shirts, with a pocket, that's all he wants.  We have a casual dress code so that is fine.  But he always needs help getting it pulled down.  He could do it on his own but it is much harder and more painful, so of course I help. 

I don't want to be one of those spiteful people. 

He was decent to me all day which I appreciated.  Our ride was on time and we picked up "the princess", the one with the very important lunch box that gets it's own seat, wants to sleep on the van and shush everyone if they peep, etc.  Just not what I consider a good seat mate.  Get your sleep at night in bed, not on the van.  But some people try to do that. 

I do not let them.  So she doesn't like us much.  But she is a young woman living with other adults who pay all the bills, it would be very easy to go to bed early and get enough sleep, if she cared to do so.  But don't stay up late and then demand we all creep around you the next morning.  Nope, not going to happen. 

We picked up an old man for dialysis who was very nice, she tried to shush him when he spoke to me but I kept talking to him.  He sat next to me, I liked him.  We dropped him off, then her, then we went to work around 5 AM. 

The driver kept compulsively eating and drinking snacks, one after the other, bite, drink, rummage in the bag for more, I didn't feel 100% safe but not enough to object.  Just glad to exit. 

We got to work.  Snacks still looked good after my "big stock" on Monday.  Everyone who can, has taken the week off. 

I helped Ron with sodas, the canned soda repairs "kept" so we have 3 functional machines.  We did that, got the delivery around 7, put that away.  I like the driver, he is a very nice man.  We got him paid, got our receipt.  We should be done for weeks now. 

The other vendor's employees were there but we didn't have many traffic jams, we all share the same stockroom.  The other vendor gets most of it but we get enough to make it work. 

Then we waited on our repairman for the bottled drink machine.  I had noticed the temperature creeping up so I wanted to address that before something burned up.  Apparently a new compressor is $800 now.  Ouch. 

I sent another picture message of my hand holding "his" money so he said he was coming.  But we had to wait a while. 

I didn't mind, I know he generally starts around 8:30-9, but my feet were killing me in my work boots so I sat down outside work, on one of the steps.  A couple minutes later I saw him coming, pulling his case of tools.  I had to struggle to my feet, not pretty, elegant, or safe, but I got up without hurting myself.  I felt very old trying to do that. 

I got him in there.  The compressor was covered in about 3 inches deep of crud, he had to scrape it all off and then clean the condenser.  He did that.  He also fixed a "bad slot" which had been bothering us for a while but not really enough for a repair on it's own.  All the other machines were fine.  We paid him, got our receipt, escorted him out the door. 

None of our guys, delivery or repair man, are allowed "loose" in the building, they have to be escorted.  They didn't used to care 20 years ago but the events of 2001 changed that.   He's off. 

I quickly put up the carts, got some drinks for us.  I was over my caffeine allowance by about 80 mg, not great, but not horrible either.  I had a lot of caffeine drinks today. 

I had Ron call Arturo while I put everything away.  I had time to pee before we left.  You can bet I am always diligent about washing my hands because the customers are watching!  ONCE I saw a food service walker use a toilet and walk out of the bathroom without washing, I never ate at that restaurant again. 

We got out and I sat down again - this time on the bench, and Arturo came in about 5 minutes.  While we waited Ron asked me about tipping, he didn't want to overtip and upset me, but wanted to "recognize" his work and responsiveness.  I was fine with a fairly generous tip so we agreed on that and Ron gave me the money. 

Arturo came, we got Ron stuffed in the back seat, wheelchair put up (never an attitude from Arturo about the wheelchair), I got in and off we went.  A quick ride home and we paid him and left.  I felt good about what we gave him, about 25% of the fare. 

The garbage had come so I put Ron in the garage and put up the cans, then took him inside.  Biscuit was eager for Second Breakfast and so was Baby Girl.  I fed the cats, I think Ron had a drink or 2, and then we each took a nap.  I slept hard and woke up with a headache. 

I had some more caffeine (not crazy about that) and got online.  Ron was awake watching TV.  He just has the cable box and a pair of headphones coming out of it. It works for him.  It does baffle the repair guys sometimes.  They have to borrow my TV and put it with his box.  But they are good about putting it back. 

Ron has had some trouble sleeping so I didn't give him any kratom today, he didn't ask.  As I said he is only getting minimal doses, only when he asks, generally 1-2 times a day max, and only when in pain.  I don't want him to suffer, that's why I started the whole Kratom thing anyway. 

We have tomorrow off.  Not sure what we are doing, it is only 2 PM so plenty of time to make a trip.  Since we both work retail we are strongly inclined NOT to "bother" any retail/restaurant workers.  We know what that is like to have to work on a holiday and then everyone is a jackass.  So not doing that.  Not sure what we will do, I may have some hot dogs in the fridge.  Currently the plan is for us to have Friday off so we will see. 

We also need to work on the monthly report at some point, get that filed.  I have to see my doctor next week Tuesday so that will be interesting.  I almost forgot to budget for that, but remembered at the last minute.  I will also need to buy my medication but it hasn't been much.  That's the nice thing about taking "old" generics. 

The weather looks pretty nice right now so I think I will walk up to the gas station and get a treat, then walk back.  I will get a treat, and my cardio.  It is certainly do able. 

I told Ron Biscuit ruined a pair of shoes.  He loves to scratch his claws on my shoes when I'm wearing them.  It actually feels good when he does it, like a massage, but he shredded my white sneakers pretty bad.  I had to throw them out. 

Will I discipline him again for scratching on a $17 pair of sneakers?  Probably not.  I can always get new shoes but only one Biscuit, and he's just so happy when he does it.  Who could yell at that face?  Only a monster! 

I'm a sucker for a pretty face.  :) 

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