Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thursday morning

Ron was delighted when he processed the fact I cancelled our ride to work.  I did not want him riding drunk, I did not want him working drunk, I did not want a late cancellation. 

Ron got up and pretty much went straight to drinking.  [facepalm]  He needs structure, it seems like he will just go for a days long drunk if he doesn't "have" to go somewhere.  I will talk to him about this.  Sometimes I would like to stay at home without worries about him drinking. 

He made (I believe, and will check) trips for tomorrow, as we need to make a deposit to cover sales tax.  No, he did not.  He has about 7 hours. 

But he went pretty much right to drinking without even asking how I felt.  Dale Carnagie always said you had to make people feel important if you wanted to keep them in your life.  Ron does not understand that.  Drunken blubbering how much he "needs" me does not count. 

I went out on the porch and found Mama cat and the kittens.  I fed them (Spot is meowing at me now, but he still won't let me pet him), and watched Mama watch her babies eat before she ate.  I went in and told Ron about it, that really struck him what a good mother this cat is, and how we would both like to add her to the family.  I don't think it will be easy, though. 

Ron was on a real downhill slide, he was already pretty drunk when he started and I was feeling like a trapped rat.  I decided to take a walk. I brought my stun gun, keys, and phone.  I wore my walk shorts, they have plenty of pockets and are great for walking, Academy sports store brand.  I had my sneakers and socks of course, a cheap bra, and a microfiber tshirt.  All black except for my socks.  I brushed my teeth and hair, because you never know who you will run into. 

I headed out, first some time with Mama petting her and admiring her babies.  I don't want to keep the kittens but they are adorable, someone will snatch them up.  I headed off. 

I saw two SUV's parked at the park, they were empty.  I believe sometimes people meet their drug dealers in the park, or funny business encounters, I don't get why someone would drive to the park to meet people or even just sit there idling like some sort of creepy stalker.  You can see why I bring my stun gun.  But these were empty and I saw people moving around the park. 

The park is long and skinny, on the bayou, we have a walking path about 3/4 of a mile long.  Usually I have it to myself, I like to walk in the afternoon.  But it was already bright, sunny, hot,and humid, not a good recipe for later.  Better to to it now, plus the whole "trapped rat" thing. 

I started my walk.  The first lap was pretty uneventful until I saw the pit bull, it was obviously someone's pet, a big, solid, dog.  I couldn't help but think how much it would like to eat the kittens I had at home.  It was watching me with interest.  I took out the stun gun.  It ran off, in front of me, I kept walking.  It apparently thought I was "chasing" it so it ran out of the park entirely and down a side street.  Good riddance.  If you're going to own a big,vicious, dog you need to CONFINE it.  You can't let it run loose terrorizing people. 

I did my second lap.  I was feeling pretty good, I was working, it was hot and humid.  I was thinking I should have taken my salt tablet before I left but I was pretty desperate to get out.  I finished up and walked home. 

Cleo (calico kitten) was sleeping in the chair on the porch when I got home, but she spooked when she saw me.  I am glad they are not trusting because I have some very bad neighbors who would hurt them.  Who would take satisfaction in doing it.  Spot was under the chair with Mama, he is a mama's boy.  Mama came out and I petted her for a while before I went in. 

I was dreading what I would find.  I had been gone about 45 minutes.  Ron had been in pretty bad shape when I left. 

I found him slumped over in his wheelchair, drooling profusely.  I (ick) fastened the seatbelt and got drool all over my hands, which I washed off.  He is literally making a puddle on the floor.  But he is snoring peacefully and he can't fall now.  He is at an angle where I think he would have fallen but for the seatbelt.  He can remove the belt when he is sober enough to do so. 

So I can forget about him for a while.  He is snoring, pretty much behind me several feet. 

I put the stun gun on to charge, I am about due to do it.  It needs an hour once a month.  I was glad I had it with me in the park this morning, it affects my confident level and the scent I emit.  So less likely to have problems with animals or people. 

Some of my purchases are due to come today.  That will be interesting.  I think the kettle bell and the chalk.  The light kettlebell (5#) and the chalk.  Good.  I noticed my grip was getting slippery the other day in the garage, with the 30#.  I almost lost my grip on it and sent it flying.  I think the chalk will help with that.  It is powder in a bag so I just squeeze to coat my hands.  I will probably only need this during the height of summer or if I work out in the afternoon when the garage is hot. 

Everything else (my big 35# bell, and Ron's fridge for soda) comes tomorrow.  I will have to leave a treat in the mailbox for my carrier. 

The inside cats are good, Biscuit gave me several massages during my migraine.  He is very thoughtful.  Torbie is still upset I had her claws trimmed but it slowly creeping back into bed with me.  Baby Girl is her usual self. 

I am going to relax for a little bit before I take a shower.  I also need to take the stun gun off the charger in about 20 minutes. 


Anonymous said...

How can you even consider adding a cat to the mix with ron drinking and acting like a fool? You really need to start putting your foot down about the alcohol and tell him NO MORE. If he drinks you are going to put him in a nursing home or he will have to find another place to live (why should you have to find a place to live when it is just as much your house as it is his house?). That poor cat has no idea what kind of home she will be coming into and the hell that is inside it. He has the kratom for the pain there is NO reason now for him to drink. It is time to start making the rules for a change rather than letting him dictate how life is going to be for you and the cats.

Heather Knits said...

The cat was starving, her milk had dried up. I am the only one there for her. She doesn't have to stay on my porch but she does. She has milk again and can nurse her babies, she is an excellent mother and Ron and I love that about her.

I honestly don't know what approach I plan to take with the alcohol. I do have the solid fact that Ron will break any promises made. Most likely any ultimatum will mean me losing the house, definitely my job, etc... all to "prove a point that Ron can't drink like that around me". Seems a little extreme to throw my life in the toilet over that - and odds are any apartment I got would have loud neighbors who would keep me up just as much anyway.

Some people are just addicts, you can't change them. It is pointless and just gets your blood pressure up trying.

Anonymous said...

You will not lose the house unless you want to lose the house. What is your monthly mortgage payment? You can even get a phone job with Amazon and make $10.00 an hour and bring in more income than you are getting right now. Plus benefits. Ron is not the boss of the house. You are married. That means he can't just take the house. I understand the cat has no one but your home environment is a stressful one and it would be terrible for the cat to come and live with you unless you stop Ron from drinking. Tell ron no more drinking or he will be in a nursing home. That is it. You will retain the house. Get a job, maybe work at home since all you need is a land line, a computer and a headset. I like Star Tigress' post about telling the cab drivers they are not to bring alcohol to the house anymore. Why do you keep saying he is the only reason you have a house? Why do you keep thinking you will lose the house when you have been told time and again that you won't? Why not make an appointment to talk with someone who handles cases like yours and get the facts so you know what will happen instead of assuming?

And by the way your life is already in the toilet because of ron and your decision to be a doormat and let him walk all over you and continue drinking. Once he is gone you will realize and see that more as you will be able to distance yourself from everything.

Anonymous said...

Ok now it’s loud neighbors in a possible apartment. Come on, you are just making excuses again. You will never leave Ron even if he was physically abusing you and cheating on you or worse. Don’t lie, you wouldn’t. There will always be some random reason why you can’t, or you think you can’t. Also I think it’s nice you are caring for the strays but very irresponsible to take any of them in permanently. 4 cats in a 900 square foot house with urine bottles and an alcoholic who never bathes? The current resident cats will be pissed.

I don’t know why Any of us ever bother suggesting anything or try to help, you are more worried about loud neighbors in a new apartment you might have, instead of seeing how much better you’d have it. you’d rather stay and put up with verbal abuse, alcoholism, reckless spending and being paid shit wages and no health care coverage by a disgusting narcissist pig of a man who 100% doesn’t care if you get a good nights rest. Because a new apartment *might* have a loud neighbor.

Heather Knits said...

Every apartment I've been in had bad neighbors. The ground level was the worst, loud noise AND peepers looking in my bedroom window (including a man). If Ron and I split I will not be getting a ground apartment. Think of it, kind of the ultimate up yours to a person in a wheelchair - you can't come in my home.

I cannot tell another adult what to do. That goes to Ron: who has flatly said don't make him choose because he will choose alcohol over me, I am welcome to walk out if it comes to that. Same with the cab drivers, they are going to follow the money, and even if I did get the current ones to stop he would just find more. $30 for 10 minute's work is pretty tempting.

I don't have time to do a full blog this morning but last night I quietly, but firmly, told him he needed to cut back on his alcohol usage, that he had a couple "free" days but it was time to behave again. And he did. He had "one drink" he said and he was quiet all night. Right now things can be difficult but I am getting my sleep most nights.

Anonymous said...

He will be back at the excess in short order. Again WHY don't you make him leave? He is the problem, not you. Why do you have to leave and he gets to stay?