Friday, July 5, 2019

Yes, I am tired

Still manic but not awful, I haven't called anyone, haven't spent any money.  A little cranky with some readers but that is about it. 

I got up around 7, that is pretty much my default on a day off.  I got on the computer for a while, helped Ron into bed, helped him after he fell on the floor, etc.  Finally decided to do my workout. 

My left knee ("bad") was yelling a little from getting Ron off the floor so I didn't want to push it.  I have worked out, off and on, for a while, and I have learned to listen to my body.  My knee was saying "I'll work but we need to reduce the load, today". 

I did 10 minutes on my bike, took my shoes off, and went out in the garage.  I did the Get Ups.  That is where I lay down on the floor, holding a weight above my head, and raise to sitting position, back down, and repeat.  I did 5 on each side. 

The fitness mat I bought works very well for this, although I could stand to widen it. 

I got up and did some warmups for squats.  I can do them but I like to be fully warmed up, some cardio and then do it with light weights, before I do anything else.  Once I did that I did the squats with 10 pounds less than I used last time, and did 2 sets instead of 3.  It was good work, though. 

I logged it in my journal (I use a cheap notebook) and moved onto swings.  I used the lighter weight for them, too.  Only 2 sets instead of 3, after my warmup set. 

Then I decided to try "Windmills".  I did 10 on each side, with my lightest weight.  I would rather use a lighter weight while I get the hang of the movement.  It worked back and upper body without stressing my knee. 

I was at 16 minutes when I finished.  I closed my fitness tracker and came inside.  I had a protein shake and managed to get Ron to drink some, he liked it and asked for more.  Good.  I would love to get Ron drinking these on a regular basis. 

I had some energy, so I decided to wash my sheets.  I used a lint brush, first, and got another cat's worth of hair off the sheet!  They love to sleep in my bed (2 of them at any rate).  Once I got the sheet groomed I threw them in the washer with a couple Tide packs. 

I plan to do a load of towels after I finish the sheets and get them in the dryer.  I jumped in the shower.  I got out at one point because Ron was calling me, but he changed his mind when he realized he got me out of the shower.  I got everything washed, my hair didn't take too much effort and I was so glad to rinse out that shampoo and have clean hair!  For now!  :p 

I didn't shave my legs today.  I got out and checked on Ron, he said he was OK but he is starting to groan again.  I will have to check on him when I finish this. 

Ron also needs to figure out if he wants to go out today.  I am guessing not.  He didn't sleep any better than I did.   Still groaning.  I will be back. 

He was ready for some Kratom.  We talked and I told him I didn't want to go out later.  I don't, I would rather get a decent nap.  So he cancelled the rides to and from the restaurant.  We can always get pizza for less than the cost of the meal out.  He loves specialty chicken. 

The cats are good, I found Torbie's secret hiding spot next to the bed.  I won't change it.  Biscuit wanted Second Breakfast so I fed him, then put it away.  He does this thing, kind of like Ron, where he dives into his food gobbling.  Then he comes up for air.  THAT'S when you take the food away from both of them.  Because both will eat until they get sick. 

I got the sheets in the dryer, found some wet clothes in there from days ago.  Oops.  I got the towels in the wash, I will do a bonus rinse after they are done, with vinegar, it gets out all the residue and makes for a much fluffier towel. 

I got into nice linens when I worked at a linen shop.  They gave me a free towel that just ruined me for the one from Target.  I still have that towel.  They were a really good linen shop but they had a very lavish return policy, you could bring in anything, in any condition, for up to a year after the sale, as long as you had the receipt.  We were near a very wealthy subdivision, they used to "buy" sheets for visiting relatives, wash them, and "return" them, basically "borrowing" the sheet.  I knew the store would not make it.  And sure enough, they went under.  But they had some really fine quality linens.  It was actually a Land's End catalog taught me about using the vinegar on the towels. 

I have about an hour before I have to finish the towels, I will relax, probably make the bed with the Walmart sheets.  They are better than no sheets.  That way I don't have to wait on the towels to dry.  Sheets, I mean.  Yes, I am tired. 

1 comment:

Spankadoo said...

I am with you on good linens I have come over to the good side and can not buy cheap stuff anymore. I dont really have to if I keep a two sheet/ towel rotation one for using one for laundry of the good stuff they last forever and feel so nice! Thread counts matter that is for sure so do good towels .